

This was published 11 years ago

Coalition abandons promise on surplus

By Mark Kenny

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey has walked away from a fixed surplus timetable while also revealing that a Coalition government would pocket more than $10 billion in Labor savings that it previously opposed.

Joe Hockey during the Treasurers Debate at the National Press Club.

Joe Hockey during the Treasurers Debate at the National Press Club.Credit: Jay Cronan

The Coalition would not even match Labor's modest commitment to a small budget surplus in 2016-17, declaring a lack of confidence in the bottom-line numbers. However, it ruled out cuts to health and education and again pledged to leave the GST untouched.

Asked when a Coalition government would eliminate the current deficit on which it has been so critical of Labor, Mr Hockey said he would not repeat the errors of former treasurer Wayne Swan, whom he said talked a big game but delivered little.

The Coalition releases some numbers.

The Coalition releases some numbers.


''We will get to surplus when it is reasonable, responsible, to do so. We are not going, I am not going, to make the mistake Labor made of making big heroic promises and never delivering,'' he told the National Press Club during a debate on Wednesday with the man whose job he covets, Treasurer Chris Bowen.

That represents a marked turn-around from the oft-repeated promise that a Coalition government would achieve a surplus in the first year of office and every year after that.

Mr Hockey said the government had never delivered a surplus, and never would, because it was ''in Labor's DNA'' to keep borrowing and spending. He described Mr Bowen's commitment to a surplus as ''hogwash''.

Mr Bowen said the government's promise of a small surplus by 2016-17 was clearly outlined in the recent Economic Statement, and that remained the case.

He accused Mr Hockey of ''a lot of huff, a lot of puff, a lot of bluster, a lot of blowing, [but] no date''.

The election debate on the economy came after the Coalition unveiled a list of additional savings totalling $31 billion it intends to make if elected.

Mr Hockey said he would not overturn any of Labor's recently announced savings decisions except for the $1.8 billion crackdown on fringe benefits tax on motor vehicles, which he said continued to do enormous damage to the automotive sector and was responsible for enforced lay-offs at Ford.

Among the savings the Coalition has embraced, however, are an increase in tobacco excise raising $5.8 billion over four years, a new banking levy raising $700 million, more tax collection on unpaid superannuation to bring $800 million, and accessing more inactive super accounts to raise $600 million. An increase in visa charges will bring $500 million and a temporary increase in the public service efficiency dividend to 2.5 per cent will provide another $1.8 billion.

In total, that's another $10.2 billion for Mr Hockey's bottom line if the Coalition is elected.

The debate was regarded as an evenly matched affair, with both men performing strongly and each demonstrating a sound grasp of the field.

However, neither man wanted to engage on the underlying problem in Australia's public finances - a growing structural deficit as long-term permanent costs, particularly in health, threaten to overwhelm the budget unless more revenue is raised.


Mr Hockey said the prime task of an incoming government was to axe the carbon and mining taxes and to dump a raft of unaffordable measures attached to them.

This would result in the abolition of the School Kids Bonus, clawing back $4.6 billion, and the slashing of 12,000 public service jobs, saving $5.2 billion. Nearly $4 billion would also be recovered from not proceeding with the low income superannuation contribution, while small business will lose its instant asset write-off, the loss carry-back provisions and a planned phase-down of the interest withholding tax, ripping a combined $4.2 billion from the sector over four years.

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