

This was published 11 years ago

Abbott to hit business with hikes

By Tim Colebatch

      The Coalition will pay for its campaign promises by raising taxes on business, cutting support for middle-income and low-income earners, and cutting environmental programs, under the list of savings given out by shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and shadow finance minister Andrew Robb.

      At first sight, they answer some of the questions hanging over the Coalition's growing list of policies, which have been much stronger on new handouts than on new ways to pay for them.

      Hockey and Robb say their list of 18 savings measures adds up to $31.6 billion of financing for its tax cuts and new spending programs, which leading economist Saul Eslake estimates add up to $44.5 billion over the next four years.

      The policies were costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office, but Hockey refused to release any detailed costings, the impact in each year, or the assumptions on which its figures were based.

      We will know all that eventually, but only after the election. Hockey sees the release of the single-line estimates of cost savings as a new high in transparency. But if he is confident that the policies are costed correctly, why not release them?

      The decision to hit business - mostly small business - with $4.6 billion of tax hikes was politically shrewd. Not one business lobby came forward on Wednesday to criticise the Coalition's new taxes on its members. They would have screamed had Labor done the same.


      The Coalition made its riskiest cuts known long ago, and they don't seem to have hurt it.

      The savings claimed are surprisingly large - $4.6 billion from axing the Schoolkids' Bonus, $3.7 billion from scrapping superannuation contributions for low-income earners and $5.2 billion from cutting 12,000 public service jobs.

      These claimed savings are higher than previous estimates, even by the Coalition. It was a surprise to learn that the Coalition will over-fund its controversial paid parental leave scheme by $1.1 billion in its first two years. The policy it released two weeks ago made no such claim.


      There are some errors in Hockey's costings. Innovation Minister Kim Carr pointed out that the Coalition could not claw back the $680 million it claims from axing two business programs without breaking contracts: the money it already committed.

      But just as nothing in Wednesday's National Press Club debate between Hockey and Treasurer Chris Bowen will resonate with the public in the days to come, nothing in these costings is likely to damage the Coalition's prospects on September 7.

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