

This was published 5 years ago

Koala losses 'spectacularly huge' after NSW drought, bushfires

By Peter Hannam

Ecologists estimate the recent drought and huge bushfires have killed thousands of koalas in NSW, pushing the marsupial to "endangered status" in the state.

Steve Phillips, an ecologist and managing director of the Biolink consultancy, said his team used surveys of known koala sites in northern NSW to estimate more than 6000 koalas died in the fires.

One of the lucky ones: a female koala recovers at the Native Wildlife Rescue Centre in Robertson, eastern NSW.

One of the lucky ones: a female koala recovers at the Native Wildlife Rescue Centre in Robertson, eastern NSW.Credit: John Moore/Getty Images

Losses of koala habitat were as much as 85 per cent in the Wardell and Rappville regions, he said.

"They've gone - they've been taken out ... It's pretty significant as these are big numbers."


The plunge in the koala population in fire-hit regions followed the loss of as much as a fifth of their numbers due to the drought.

Over the past three generations - about 15-20 years - NSW has lost as many as half to two-thirds of its koalas.

"The scale of what happened is spectacularly huge, it's incomprehensible," Dr Phillips told the Herald. "Its status needs to be updated to endangered from vulnerable."

The upper house inquiry into koala populations in NSW also heard Dr Phillips' findings on Tuesday as part of the evidence presented by Stuart Blanch, a conservation scientist from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).


Dr Blanch said WWF estimated the state's koala population at 15,000-28,000 prior to the fires, so the latest losses - which he put at as many as 10,000 - were "pretty shocking".

"It was worse than we thought," he said, adding that the Berejiklian government needed to act quickly to lift its threat level to help reduce further pressure on the animal.

Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean said the government had reconvened the NSW Koala Strategy Independent Expert Advisory Panel and other experts to provide advice on options to support the  koala population after the bushfires.

"This season’s significant bushfires have resulted in devastating losses to koala numbers across NSW, so it is imperative that remaining populations and habitat are protected," Mr Kean said.

The government estimates about a quarter of the modelled koala habitat in eastern NSW is within the fire-affected area, "significantly" compounding the vulnerable status of the koala, he said. However, it would be up to the independent NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee to determine any change to the koala's listing.


Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and chair of the inquiry, said that even before the fires "the evidence we heard was that things were pretty dire for the koala in NSW and now they’ve been almost completely wiped out in some areas".

"The fires were a wake-up call with growing [demands] on the government to do much more, starting with protecting core koala habitat from threats like logging and development," Ms Faehrmann said.

Dr Phillips cited the Pilliga koala population as one that had previously been among the largest in the state.

Surveys in 2016-17 identified the loss of about 80 per cent of the koala habitat but return visits in 2019 "failed to find one koala scat", Dr Phillips said. "It's functionally extinct [in the Pilliga]."

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