This was published 11 years ago
PlayStation 4 launch: Knack vs Killzone Shadow Fall
It's a weird old launch for the PlayStation 4. The bulk of its exclusives, be they actual PS4 exclusives, exclusive to PS4 and Windows PCs, or only exclusive in that the Xbox One doesn't have them, are download only. As I wrote yesterday, Resogun is the pick of those titles, a mercilessly tough fast-paced arcade experience that will test the limits of your reflexes and multi-tasking while also blowing you away with its visuals.
The vast bulk of the PS4 launch line-up - over half of its 23 games on day one - are cross-platform titles that are also on Xbox One, like Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, and NBA 2K14.
Killzone: Shadow Fall is flawed, but its labyrinthine level design and moody lighting are a visual treat.
Only two of the PS4's launch titles are both exclusive to the platform and available to buy on a disc in a bricks-and-mortar retail store: Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall. It's an odd pair of games to launch a powerful new console with, and unfortunately not a very good pair, either.
Shadow Fall is definitely the stronger of the two. It is a kind of reboot for the Killzone series, set thirty years after the events of the astonishingly dumb Killzone 3. Helghan, the home planet of the evil space Nazis (who actually come across as space Soviets in this sequel) has been rendered uninhabitable by a Vektan (i.e. human) super-weapon. Essentially, the "good guys" ended a decades-long war by irradiating the "bad guys" entire planet. Yay for the good guys.
Bizarrely, after this attempt at genocide, the Vektans had an attack of conscience and offered the Helghast half of their home planet of Vekta. Yes, literally half of it - they built a wall around the entire planet, splitting it in half, and offering one half to the Helghast to settle their civilian refugees on. The Helghast repay this kindness by executing hundreds of Vektan civilians who didn't evacuate quickly enough as soon as they are given rule over their new homeland.
Thirty years later, the Vektans are trying to engineer a super-virus to wipe out the Helghast, and the Helghast are killing thousands of Vektan civilians in terrorist bombings. Nice to know that everybody involved learned a valuable lesson.
There are no good guys in this game. Both sides of the conflict are genocidal ideological extremists who view the other as dangerous animals who need to be put down. As the game progresses, it becomes harder and harder to distinguish the "inspirational" pep talks from the Vektan military brass with the "evil propaganda" being spewed by the Helghast. After a while it's all just jingoistic noise.
I suspect this ambiguity is a deliberate storytelling choice, drawing attention to the ways in which warfare and racism and make bitter enemies blind to each others' humanity, and the wall is a clear allegory to the divided city of Berlin and the vast concrete barriers that carve up Israel and Palestine. Even so, the whole thing ends up horribly oppressive and dismal. I like a good war allegory as much as the new pretentious art game fan, but sometimes you just want to have a bit of fun shooting some guys.
In contrast to the darkness of the story, the world of Shadow Fall is jaw-droppingly beautiful. If nothing else, this is easily the best game to show off just how powerful this new console is. The levels are often incredibly huge, with details that older games would have rendered as a 2D background instead being solid 3D and highly detailed.
There is one amazing moment in the first half of the game when a terrorist leader is escaping from a skyscraper in a high-tech helicopter. The player character runs to the each and leaps into space, grabbing onto a rope dangling from the helicopter's underside at the last moment. What happens next is gobsmacking. The helicopter plunges into the city streets below, swerving into traffic, flying dangerously close to buildings and under bridges, and in the process flashing past a large amount of beautifully detailed science fiction cityscape. All of this happens in real-time - it's not a pre-rendered movie. You even end up holding on with one hand and taking potshots at the helicopter with your pistol, so you know it's all being rendered on the fly.
The game is packed with these gigantic spaces. One level takes place in a horrific Helghast refugee camp, in which terrified civilians live in tiny shipping crates that are stacked in a dizzying wall over a kilometre high. One trip on an elevator brings you from the bottom to the top is one unbroken sequence while one of the game's other characters explains part of the plot. There's also a sizeable forest with a raging white-water river cutting through it, a space station orbiting dangerously close to the sun, and more. If nothing else, it's certainly a treat for the eyes, and a great way to show off a new PS4 to your friends.
The digital people in Shadow Fall are less accomplished that the environments. When they work, they are incredibly lifelike, such a half-Vektan, half-Helghast special operative whose face is far less glamorous than most women in video games, which somehow makes her more beautiful. During conversation scenes, I stared at her remarkably lifelike facial expressions and sad eyes. Unfortunately, many other characters are less well-realised, and some of the enemy animation during gunfights is particularly ropey.
The gunplay itself is serviceable, but not outstanding. Some of the level design is quite good, providing a fun playground in which to run around shooting baddies, and it is all beautifully modelled, textured, and lit. I also liked the inclusion of an automated combat drone, called an OWL, which can flank enemies to drive them out of cover, drop an energy shield for you to take cover behind, send out an EMP blast to disable electronics, drop ziplines for you to slide down, and even revive you when you are dropped by enemies.
The trouble is that the shooting just never seems to feel quite right. The pacing is off in some undefinable way. There are long periods when nothing happens, and then suddenly you're getting killed repeatedly because half of New Helghan is shooting at you.
Many of the cutscenes are similarly dodgy. In one sequence, totally non-interactive (you can't even turn your head to look around), you are standing at the back of a queue of refugees, waiting to be passed through a security checkpoint. You begin about twelfth in line, and I was amazed that the game actually made me stand there and watch everyone go through the checkpoint ahead of me, one by one.
There was no tense build-up in the music, no sound of the hero's breath speeding up or the blood pounding in his ears, and no clever twist that revealed how he would get through the checkpoint. He just waits in the queue, walks through the checkpoint when his turn comes, and then goes on his way. Perhaps in addition to fascism, jingoism, and racism, Guerrilla Games also has an axe to grind about slow bureaucracy?
Storytelling in general just doesn't gel. At the conclusion of the really quite good helicopter sequence described above, the terrorist points a gun at our hero's head and delivers a pithy one-liner. The game then suggests we press a button to begin a melee attack, and when you do, the hero leisurely reaches down, pulls a knife from his boot, and stabs it through the villain's foot. Why didn't he get shot in the face while performing this languid manoeuvre? Who knows.
The game is full of this oddly stiff and lifeless animations, which is odd considering how good much of the character animation is elsewhere in the game. The voice acting is also patchy, with some really excellent performances rubbing shoulders with a few awkwardly amateurish ones. It doesn't help that they're delivering some really corny dialogue, riddled with war movie cliches.
Overall, Shadow Fall is an odd beast, and it's hard to know what to make of it. Parts of it are very good, perhaps even excellent, and while it's never terrible, it is often disappointing. If the gunplay and storytelling were as good as its visuals, this would be a classic, but sadly the eye candy is mostly what this game has going for it.
The other disc-based launch title, Knack, doesn't even have that going for it. It is reasonable to look at, but certainly not a graphical showcase, and in many ways it fails to live up the visual promise of its concept.
Knack is named for its central, playable character, a weird little creature whose body is made up of hundreds of tiny stone relics, mysterious objects of power that the game's civilisation digs up in ancient ruins and uses to power its technology. The idea is that Knack can absorb more relics that he finds, and thereby grow larger. He starts the game tiny, small enough to fit in a shoebox, but in some levels he ends up larger than a grown man.
Conceptually, Knack should be an ever-changing humanoid cloud of glittering stone fragments, but in practice he's rather stiff and dull. When he takes a hit he will lose some of his body mass, but the next hit will usually kill him so you don't get to see him shrink down further and further the more damage he takes.
Knack is a fragile little bugger. Especially when small, he is usually killed by only two hits from the game's many enemies. This makes the game far more difficult than it really should be, especially when you consider that its cutesy visuals will lead many to believe that this is a children's game. Difficulty become frustration, though, when you see how far apart the checkpoints are. At one point yesterday, I died in a fight and was restored to a checkpoint six fights earlier. Yes, six. After a while it starts to feel like they're just padding out the game's length with these sadistically placed checkpoints.
The fights themselves are really quite dull. Knack is less a 3D platformer - there is precious little jumping and exploring - and more a brawler, since fighting takes up most of the game, so the fighting needs to be good enough to carry it. It's not. Fighting is overly simple, dull, and oh so very repetitive, even without taking the terrible checkpoints into account. You just meet the same enemies over and over and over, and then one new one will get added, and you get the new combination over and over and over.
There are some very slowly-charging special moves that wipe out pretty much everything on screen, but otherwise the attacks consists of hit, jump-then-hit, and dash-then-hit. The whole experience is just horribly dull.
The story doesn't help much either. This is one of those fantasy worlds where they don't try to teach you anything beforehand, but just plunge you in and let you piece it all together on your own. This can work when done by a skilled storyteller, but in Knack's case it really doesn't. Then, when it does make sense, it is pure cliche.
Overall, this is a terribly confusing experience. It's a launch title for a powerful new console in which the highly detailed hero is tiny on the screen because the camera is pulled way, way back. The plot is rudimentary, the environments kind of pretty but fairly dull, and the enemies mostly plain silver robots or cartoony goblins and ogres. While Killzone can be forgiven for many of its flaws because it at least has the looks, Knack is nowhere near pretty enough to save it from itself.
Knack is just dreary. Playing it for an hour felt like three, and playing it for an entire afternoon felt like an eternity. There's no character progression or skills to upgrade, no new weapons to find, and no compelling story linking all of these interminable samey fights together. Playing it felt like a waste of my time, and I cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone.
So that's it for the PS4 exclusives. Killzone: Shadow Fall and Resogun probably aren't system-sellers in their own right, but they are worthy purchases for anyone who has already taken the plunge and bought a PS4 already. Apart from these two, I can only recommend cross-platform titles, with Assassin's Creed IV being particularly gorgeous after a recent patch.
Tomorrow, I'll be talking about the overall user experience of the PS4, and on Friday I'll be delivering my definitive verdict on which machine is the strongest package at launch. Stay tuned.
- James "DexX" Dominguez
Screen Play is on Twitter: @jamesjdominguez