

This was published 11 years ago

PlayStation 4 launch: Resogun vs Contrast


Hot on the heels of last Friday's Xbox One launch, the PlayStation 4 will see its Australian release this coming Friday.

The PS4 has an interesting launch line-up, quite unusual for a day one game library. Only two of the games available on launch day will be disc-based exclusives, as opposed to the Xbox One's four. The rest of the PS4 games available on disc will all be cross-platform games also available on other platforms such as PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Windows PC.

In Resogun, destruction has rarely been so thorough, so beautiful, and so enjoyable.

In Resogun, destruction has rarely been so thorough, so beautiful, and so enjoyable.

Strangely, the majority of the PS4's launch exclusives are download-only titles, many of them low-tech and arty. Some of these have been on PlayStation systems before, such as flOw, flOwer, Escape Plan, and Sound Shapes, and others are making their debut on PS4 but will also be available on other platforms soon, including Super Motherload (which is based on a free-to-play online Flash game).

Two games in particular, however, have been pushed by Sony as being their major download-only launch exclusives: Resogun and Contrast. (To be perfectly accurate, Contrast is already available on PC, and is coming soon to PS3 and Xbox 360, but the PS4 is its exclusive home on the next-generation consoles.) Both of these games will be available for free to those who subscribe to PlayStation Network Plus, usually just called PSN+.

The two of them make an interesting pair. Resogun is a fast-paced arcade shoot-em-up based on the classic, and notoriously difficult, arcade machine Defender, while Contrast is a slow-paced and story-heavy game of puzzle solving and exploration. They could hardly be more different, and in fact in many key ways they are perfect opposites.

Resogun is a simple concept executed to perfection. While its roots lie in the core game mechanics of Defender - you control a spacecraft flying and firing side-to-side, destroying alien ships and preventing the abduction of the last surviving humans - this is a somewhat more involved gameplay experience.

The playing space is a looped ribbon, like playing on the curved side of a large cylinder. You fly around this circular space firing left and right, destroying the myriad alien ships that teleport in to attack you. Periodically you will be alerted that "keepers" have appeared, special enemy ships that are highlighted green. If these ships are not destroyed promptly, then one of the humans you are defending will die - each level begins with ten of them, sitting in transparent cases around the level.

Things get more complicated when you destroy the keepers, as one of the humans will be dropped out of their cell and onto the ground. You need to swoop down and collect them, then deposit them at one of safe spaces. Once deposited, they are safe. However, if you are too slow a special golden alien craft may grab the wayward human and fly away, giving you only a brief opportunity to shoot it down and save your hapless charge.

Things get progressively harder as the level progresses, with more ships appearing that have more dangerous attacks and require more shots to kill, and in true arcade style, each level is capped off with a big boss battle. This growing threat is balanced out by the various upgrades you can pick up, including temporary shields and increases in your ship's firepower. You also a overdrive, which super-powers your gun for a few seconds but takes a long time to recharge, and a small number of bombs, which sweep around the whole level and kill every enemy in sight.


Perhaps the most interesting element is the boost, which will be familiar to anyone who played Housemarque's previous game Super Stardust HD on PS3 and PS Vita. With the press of a button, you can zoom quickly across the level, becoming momentarily invulnerable and destroying everything in your path. The fun part is that boost is maintained as long as you keep ramming through enemies, so if you're very skilful you can sweep through long rows of enemies with a single boost.

All of this destruction is beautifully rendered in what are called "voxels". Rather than square 2D pixels that make up traditional graphics, voxels are 3D cubes, and everything in Resogun is built out of them. Ships explode into scintillating metallic cubes, and explosions damage the level's scenery, until by the end of the level there is barely anything left standing. Bombs look incredible, smashing through enemies and sending hundreds of voxels flying in all directions. Resogun is a very pretty game indeed, some of the most beautiful destruction you will ever see.

A small degree of customisation is available, in that there are three types of ship to fly, each with slightly different strengths and weaknesses. Two players can even join forces and destroy aliens together, though only online; sadly, there is no split-screen mode for two players to sit side-by-side on the couch, playing on the same TV.

Contrast is something very different entirely, and I am disappointed to report that while it is a remarkably original concept, it is let down very badly by sloppy execution, perhaps because it was being rushed out to make the PS4 launch date. It's particularly frustrating because, with better execution and perhaps a bit more time and care, it would have been a memorable classic.

The central idea of Contrast is that you play a mysterious woman named Dawn, a willowy creature in striped stockings and a short Phryne Fisher hairdo, who can pass in and out of shadows. She is supposedly an acrobat, but nobody can see her except for one troubled little girl named Didi. In turn, your character cannot see anyone else in the world apart from Didi, but she can hear them talking, and see their shadows cast on the walls.

This core concept, that Dawn can walk into a wall and become her own shadow, and then emerge from the wall in a different point, is remarkably clever. When in shadow form, Dawn can walk and jump on other shadows, leading to interesting contrasts in scale - in one section, two lovers have an intimate conversation in front of a light, and their shadows are cast huge on the wall across the street. Dawn can walk into that wall and climb up on their monstrous silhouettes, using their movements to reach high places.

Many of the game's puzzles require you to move objects around or move light sources in order to create and change shadows, and then to jump into the wall and climb on the shadows you created to reach something. Shadows can even move around, such as one memorable sequence in which a light inside a merry-go-round casts shadows of the horses on the walls around it, with Dawn then required to jump from shadow to shadow in order to reach her goal.

The game looks amazing, set in a timeless world with no clear location or nationality - some signs are in French, others in English, and it can look like Paris or London or Amsterdam as you move from street to street. The colour palette is a muted sepia, and the entire world is lit with moody spotlights, desk lamps, and street lights. Music also plays a big part, with Didi's mother being a cabaret singer who performs several steamy musical numbers during the game's running time.

All of these ingredients should combine to create something great, but sadly Contrast is a bit of a mess. Mostly, it's just the bugs. Dawn will often be locked in place after popping out of a wall, requiring the player to frantically mash the jump and dash buttons to unstick her. Her movement is erratic at other times, too - in one level I picked up an object needed to complete a puzzle, and she and the object leapt through the ceiling. She returned to the ground, but the object was lost, and I had to restart the entire level.

Animation is ropey as well, with Dawn in particular moving in a horribly stiff and lifeless way. It's a terrible waste, as the artists gave her a great look and a lot of personality, but when she moves it is entirely jerky and robotic. The world she interacts with is also lifeless, mostly because there is no physics system to speak of. In one level, I placed a box on a ledge, expecting it to fall off, but it stayed there, balanced on one edge, refusing to topple over.

Also frustrating is the platform game aspect. Dawn will slide off objects without any warning, and she will fail to jump onto objects that are clearly low enough to her to get up onto. Sometimes she will jump and stop dead because her toe touched an almost-invisible part of the geometry, and other times she will walk straight through solid objects. As such, precise jumping from one platform to another is incredibly annoying.

The storyline had great potential, but it is undermined by extremely choppy level design and the fact that Dawn is a dead-eyed mannequin. Didi chats happily with her invisible, mute companion, but dawn never says a word back, nor even smiles or nods. Didi's tale, in which she sneaks out at night to follow her estranged parents and try to reunite them, all while fending off greedy gangsters who want the money owed to them by her deadbeat father, is touching and sad, but despite a decent script and some solid voice acting, it's poorly told and very badly paced. The modular nature of the levels means the story has to be broken up into mismatched little chunks, and this makes it lose a great deal of its effectiveness.

Overall, Contrast sent me beyond frustration and into genuine anger. This should have been a great game - it has a great central idea, beautiful art direction, a solid story, and good puzzle ideas. With all of these elements, it should not be a buggy, stilted, lifeless mess, and all I can think to blame is a tight production schedule to make the PS4 launch date. Every now and then everything would come together, and I would pop into the wall, ride a moving shadow to a balcony, hop out into the real world, then jump onto the shadow of a stick that Didi is holding up to the light for me. When it works, it's just more disappointing, because the whole game should have been like that.

So there are the two big downloadable launch exclusives for the PS4, Contrast and Resogun - a grand concept ruined by terrible execution, and a simple arcade game elevated by brilliant design and gorgeous visuals. While they are both free for PSN+ members, I highly recommend shelling out cash for Resogun if you're not able to get it for free. It's very much worth its modest asking price.

In the coming days I will be talking about the PS4's disc-based exclusives, and also the overall experience of using the console.This will then culminate in a head-to-head showdown between the XBox One and PlayStation 4, with every major feature compared. Stay tuned for all of that later in the week.

- James "DexX" Dominguez

Screen Play is on Twitter: @jamesjdominguez

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