

This was published 2 years ago

Thanks Apple, but we don’t need new emojis. The perfect option already exists

In this column, we will deliver hot (and cold) takes on pop culture minutiae, giving our verdict on whether a subject is overrated or underrated.

By Deirdre Fidge
This column is part of Spectrum series The Verdict.See all 51 stories.

Did you know the first text message containing a smiley-face was sent back in 1982? It looked like this:


The sideways smiley-face was officially “invented” by Scott Fahlman, a research professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science. According to Fahlman, it was invented to convey a lighthearted tone to avoid misunderstandings or arguments.

Little did he and his fellow Mellon-heads know that 40 years later, people like me would delight in using the text smiley specifically because of its ambiguity. (Those glorious, naive fools.) And somewhere along those 40 years, much like other celebrities throughout their careers, the smiley had a nose job. The version I’m most familiar with is this guy:


Gazing at the tiny colon eyes and parentheses mouth fills me with a flurry of excitement: There he is! The smiling prince! My boy! You see, I love to use the simple smiley across most of my communications, and would be lost without it.

There he is! The smiling prince! My boy!

There he is! The smiling prince! My boy!Credit:

Compared to colourful emojis or flashing gifs, the analog smile is delightfully minimalist. Where smartphones have hundreds of smile variations to choose from, every keyboard has just one. The humble smiley does not pretend to convey a range of complex human emotions. And yet, he somehow does.

Naturally, this makes the smiley versatile while simultaneously offering ambiguity that is open to interpretation. I’ve used it to convey a range of feelings: genuine joy, smugness, sarcasm, desperation, love, hate, greed, wrath, lust, shame. And we can’t forget dopey, grumpy, bashful, and all the others (except Doc).

While it may have been invented to avert potential arguments, today the smiley is often employed to deliberately provoke. There is nothing more delightful than sending someone a message designed to annoy them - my love language - followed by a smiley. It is one of life’s innate satisfactions.


For example, were you to stumble across a photo of a determined yet wildly uncoordinated baby bird, you could forward this image to someone like, oh I don’t know, your sister. “This is you :)” Sorry Bridget. But it is.

Running alongside the faux-innocent smiley is the sarcastic smiley, which is a chef’s kiss of simplified communication. In less than a second, without a single word, it can convey an entire emotional experience.

Another example: if someone messages me asking how I am, I could respond with “I have terrible cramps :(” or “I have terrible cramps :)” . I could, of course, simply not share the inner workings of my uterus with anyone who asks, but I’ve decided to be radically vulnerable, and actually, I’m very brave. The sad face feels pitiful, while the noseless, deranged smile feels more accurate.

This is to say, it conveys stress succinctly and quickly. Let’s say a friend of yours is moving house and you ask them how the move is going. If they respond with “everything is going wrong :)” , you know they are one step away from a full-scale emotional breakdown, and you should probably help them.

At the risk of sounding like a first-year media studies student, the juxtaposition of the smiley face with an objectively bad experience allows the recipient to know that the sender has foolishly accepted their fate. It is the equivalent of the cartoon dog sipping coffee while his house burns, saying “this is fine”.



We are powerless against much of the world. :)

Of course, using the smiley to lighten the mood is still common. I conducted some thorough research (checked my email) and can confirm that people from all backgrounds in a range of industries love to add a little smiley, especially if they are attempting to diffuse.

It’s fun to witness the back-and-forth of a smiley ping-ponged between email parties like a child of divorce. I’ll follow up an unpaid invoice with a smiley to appear non-threatening and receive one back to confirm the recipient is sympathetic. Wait: what if they’re being passive-aggressive? Or using it to downplay their actual annoyance?


Ah, well, that’s out of my control, and none of my business. :)

Earlier this month, Apple announced it will this year release 37 new emojis, estimated to be approximately 37 too many. If you are a keen emoji user, I invite you to try an old classic on for size instead.

The smiley’s humble simplicity may just take you by surprise, and perhaps you’ll join me in celebrating this deeply underrated icon.

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