

This was published 8 years ago

Pauline Hanson is right: there are people who feel ignored, but they're not all white

By Zeinab Zein

Despite our hung parliament, One Nation leader and Senator-elect Pauline Hanson has hit the ground running since the voting results of Saturday's federal election began to be tallied and announced.

Hanson claims that her party is interested in representing the voices of Australians who feel they are ignored and marginalised.

As a second generation Lebanese-Australian of the Islamic faith, it is difficult to say that this is not a worthy ideal in our political landscape. I hesitate to say this however particularly considering the policy platform of One Nation has been overtly racist since Pauline Hanson gave her maiden speech 20 years ago for the seat of Oxley in Queensland during the 1996 federal election.

One Nation fielded 27 candidates in the election, including Pauline. There were 20 men and seven women, all who appear to be of a white Anglo background. It is highly unrepresentative and the rhetoric espoused by its leader and supporters often maligns Muslims as a threat to Australian values and culture.

One Nation fielded 27 candidates in the election, including Pauline.

One Nation fielded 27 candidates in the election, including Pauline. Credit: Tertius Pickard

On election night, Hanson made it clear that she was not interested in inclusiveness. Halal certification was out, surveillance cameras in Mosques was in, Muslim immigration is to be banned and multiculturalism abolished. Further, any semblance of protection for minority groups who are not from a white, Anglo and Christian background is to be removed through the repeal of the Racial Discrimination Act.

If ever I find myself agreeing with Hanson's ideals of giving voice to those we often ignore in law, society and politics, it withers away quickly due to its narrow application. It is a great paradox of Hanson's politics that she cannot see that the people she claims to represent and the people she maligns in order to give them voice, may actually have more in common than not.

As a Muslim Australian, I am often made to feel voiceless. To have your voice heard on how Halal certification simply helps you select food products in line with your religious dietary requirements, as Jewish Australians can choose Kosher in the supermarket aisle or vegans can be assured their food is free of animal products, is difficult.


Or on how Mosques are the places that instilled respect and love for others who are either your brethren in faith or your brethren in humanity. To be listened to as you recount how in Islamic centres you were taught to be the better person and turn the other cheek when you found yourself harassed by people on the street or on public transport yelling profanities at you simply because you looked different to them.

If my voice could be heard amid the political ruckus, our leaders will hear a story of young Australian Muslim disappointed in the turn of politics in the 21st century which seeks to take away the equality shared by members of different constituents in Australia.

The problem of not listening to others is the same as the problem of speaking for others, both of which Hanson has done in the span of a few days since her Senate win was announced.

Hanson practices a form of discursive coercion when she espouses her views on Islam in Australia and then creates the perception that Muslims are too scared to agree with her out of fear of backlash.

In speaking about and for Muslims who are in a less privileged position, Hanson is reinforcing our oppression as our needs, situation and who we are is funnelled through a narrow political goal and contributes to my struggles to be heard as a citizen.

Zeinab Zein is a Sydney law student.

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