

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: Pauline Hanson warns of terror on the streets and suburbs 'swamped by Asians'

By Nicole Hasham

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has warned of "terrorism on our streets" and says Australians fear their suburbs have been "swamped by Asians", as she claimed her party could snare up to six Senate spots.

The prospect of Ms Hanson's return to the federal political arena after 18 years, which included a stint in jail, has sharpened focus on the extreme One Nation policy agenda that a future government must contend with.

On Monday, Labor leader Bill Shorten said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's double dissolution election and Senate reforms were to blame for One Nation's rise. He called for Mr Turnbull's resignation.

As Fairfax Media reported on Sunday, One Nation wants Muslim immigration to cease, a ban on new mosques and a royal commission into Islam and climate science. Greens leader Richard Di Natale has called the agenda "racist and bigoted".

Pauline Hanson on election day at Jamboree State School in Brisbane.

Pauline Hanson on election day at Jamboree State School in Brisbane.Credit: Robert Shakespeare

At a fiery press conference in Brisbane on Monday, Ms Hanson claimed the major parties should respect the large number of votes One Nation pulled, and urged a return to an Australia "where we as a nation had a right to have an opinion and have a say".

Asked about her maiden speech in 1996 when she said Australia was at risk of being "swamped by Asians", the former fish-and-chip shop owner repeated the claim.

"You go and ask a lot of people in Sydney, at Hurstville or some of the other suburbs. They feel they have been swamped by Asians and, regardless of that now, a lot of Australians feel that Asians are buying up prime agricultural land, housing," she said.


"You ask people in Melbourne how they feel about it as well."

'Out of context'

She claimed her 1996 comments were taken out of context, and were meant to refer to the call for a crackdown on "a high intake of Asians … coming via New Zealand".

Ms Hanson demanded greater transparency on what was being taught in Muslim schools and preached in mosques.

"You can't deny the fact that in these mosques they have been known to preach hate towards us. Is that a society that we want to live in?" she said.

You're standing here having a go at me because I stand up for my culture, my way of life and my country

"I don't believe it is … Do you want to see terrorism on our streets here? Do you want to see our Australians murdered?"

One Nation also wants the wearing of the burqa and niqab banned in public places, and a net zero immigration policy.

Asked if anyone else in Parliament shared her views, Ms Hanson pointed to George Christensen, the Coalition MP who has refused to resettle refugees in his north Queensland electorate.

Ms Hanson indicated other parliamentarians were also sympathetic to her agenda but had been "stifled" by their parties.

'You're having a go at me'

She then lashed out at reporters after repeated questioning over her contentious stance.

"You're standing here having a go at me because I stand up for my culture, my way of life and my country.

"Every day that I went to school I saw the Australian flag raised and it was instilled in me the pride, who I was to be an Australian and … I stand here before you and want to bring that to my country and floor of Parliament and you criticise me."

Ms Hanson denied she was seeking a return to the White Australia policy, but suggested that multiculturalism "has not worked".

One Nation's agenda states it wants to abolish the Racial Discrimination Act and instead promote "assimilation, nationalism, loyalty and pride in being an Australian".

Ms Hanson said on Monday: "We are a Christian country and that's what I'm saying … [former Liberal prime minister] John Howard said we have a right to say who comes into our country and I'm saying exactly the same."

She claimed the cliffhanger election result showed voters had "no confidence in [Prime Minister] Malcolm Turnbull. They don't believe that Malcolm Turnbull is connected with the grassroots Australians."

Mr Turnbull has previously said Ms Hanson was "not a welcome presence on the Australian political scene".

Ms Hanson agreed with the suggestion she had picked up votes from disillusioned electors who could not vote for former prime minister Tony Abbott.

Asked whether she preferred Mr Turnbull or Mr Shorten, she replied, "To tell you the truth, I don't particularly like either one of them as the prime minister of this country."

Ms Hanson said she was older, wiser and less "politically naive" than during her last parliamentary stint.

"I haven't got the people around me who are out for their own self-interest or gains. I have taken on the leadership of this party with the gusto … to really make a change, a difference," she said.

In 2003, Ms Hanson and party co-founder David Ettridge were jailed for three years each after being found guilty of fraud charges but the convictions were quashed 11 weeks later.

On Monday Mr Shorten said Labor would work with all parliamentarians "whatever their political stripe", but would not compromise its principles.

"I have to say by contrast, remember what this election was about, according to Mr Turnbull. It was about stability. Mr Turnbull proposed Senate reform. He has made a bad situation worse," Mr Shorten said.

"How on Earth did Mr Turnbull think that an idea of reform could end up with two or three One Nation senators in the Senate? This is farcical. Mr Turnbull clearly doesn't know what he is doing. Frankly I think he should quit."

'Successfully multicultural'

Refugee Council of Australia spokesman Tim O'Connor said Ms Hanson's comments were inflammatory and unsubstantiated.

The remarks could "cause great anxiety for many people in our community and should be rejected by our political leaders," he said.

"Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world, in large part because of the successful integration of migrants and refugees that has occurred since World War II.

"We live in a time of great upheaval and it's human to hope for simple answers. Yet to think Australia can resolve these challenges by returning to policies that have failed economically and socially time and time again, is not just naive, it is dangerous and will only perpetuate the problems."

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