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The Star casino in Sydney.

High-flyers to face court in blockbuster hearing as Star casino faces collapse

Star Entertainment might not survive the month and, with exquisite timing, a who’s who of Australia’s corporate elite is about to go on trial over their alleged roles in the disaster.

  • by Colin Kruger

Australia is looking for new ways to put sunshine aside for later

As Australia’s shift from coal to renewables continues at pace, companies are working on innovative ways to store larger amounts of clean energy.

  • by Nick Toscano

Opinion & Perspectives

‘Slow death’: Russia in deep trouble as its rainy day fund runs dry

Vladimir Putin is nervous and Russia’s billionaire oligarchs are squirming over the state of the economy.

Szu Ping Chan

I grew up with social media but dodged its worst effects. I might be the exception

New research indicates young people’s plummeting mental health isn’t just correlated with social media use – it’s caused by it.

Millie Muroi
Millie Muroi

Economics Writer

How come I have to pay tax every year but some companies pay none?

The list of ways companies can avoid paying tax is as long as your arm, but there are a few simple explanations for this harrowing quandary.

Jonathan Rivett
Jonathan Rivett

Careers contributor

Banking & finance


Small business

The rising cost of coffee.

Charge $7 for a coffee? Some stressed-out cafe owners would rather shut down

Stuck between soaring business costs and reduced consumer spending, cafe owners are in a “Mexican stand-off”, says Pablo & Rusty’s CEO.

  • by Jessica Yun

Popular in Business


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