

This was published 9 years ago

What the RBA really said about housing – much, much more than negative gearing

By Michael Pascoe

From the immediate headlines, it would be easy to think the Reserve Bank's submission to a parliamentary housing inquiry was mainly about joining the anti-negative gearing chorus. That was actually just one small and strongly qualified part.

There is much, much more to the RBA's thinking on housing ownership, but it doesn't fit into a short, sharp news headline. As the RBA submission makes clear, housing is a rather complicated issue not given to silver bullets magically solving everyone's perceived problems.

 it would be foolish to think this House of Representatives economics committee inquiry into home ownership is actually supposed to achieve much, says Michael Pascoe.

it would be foolish to think this House of Representatives economics committee inquiry into home ownership is actually supposed to achieve much, says Michael Pascoe.Credit: Reuters

Even the RBA's willingness to review negative gearing was not clear cut. Try the 25 pages for yourself but I read it as the central bankers actually fingering the Howard/Costello 50 per cent capital gains tax concession introduced in 1999 as being the bigger problem, or at least the reform that turned negative gearing into a potential problem.

The RBA is not alone in such thinking. David Murray's financial system inquiry came to much the same conclusion. Indeed, the RBA's concern with the CGT/negative gearing combination could have been written by Murray.

Like Murray, at its heart primarily is concern about the banking system, not would-be first home buyers. Our central bankers aren't keen on a tax system that "may have the effect of encouraging leveraged investment in property" if it leads to an unbalanced system. If that sounds familiar, maybe it's because Murray said: "The tax treatment of investor housing, in particular, tends to encourage leveraged and speculative investment in housing".

The RBA makes clear there are other factors at work on home ownership, ranging from longer-term demographics to simple state and local government incompetence.

And before the it's-all-negative-gearing's-fault brigade gets too excited about finding an ally in Martin Place and adding the CGT concession to its simplistic hit list, it's worth considering the political practicalities: if you think Joe Hockey and Co are wedded to negative gearing, try undermining their conviction that income earned from investing capital deserves more favourable treatment than that earned from simple labour.

(As an aside, it's worth remembering a key part of the excuse for the 50 per cent concession was to make up for the depredations of inflation – back when inflation was routinely much higher than it is now.)

And it would be just as foolish to think this House of Representatives economics committee inquiry into home ownership is actually supposed to achieve much, aside from allowing the government to claim it's doing something about the barbeque stopper other than telling people that the Prime Minister and Treasury want to see Sydney housing prices continue to rise and that people should get a job, a well-paid job, and borrow a vast amount.


For a start, it's a "me-too" inquiry by the government, hot on the heels of a Senate inquiry that covered pretty much the same ground, albeit under the title of "housing affordability". The difference is that the Senate committee was not controlled by the coalition and therefore could make recommendations about negative gearing and CGT. This one is very much the coalition's party – so negative gearing and CGT will be safe.

Looking beyond the tax campaign then, there is a great deal of interesting stuff in the RBA submission, some of it politically promotable. That's what the committee is likely to go with.

The RBA's great strength is taking in the bigger picture and keeping providing perspective about challenges. A quick example:

Sydney's housing prices out way out of kilter with the rest of Australia, right? Well, Sydney's housing is certainly more expensive, but it always has been and the Sydney-to-the-rest has actually been below average since the last housing price bubble deflated, as shown by Exhibit A:

The submission also fleshes out some of the reservations governor Glenn Stevens has expressed about using macroprudential tools to dampen housing activity: such measures tend to hurt those least able to afford housing and don't much impact on the well-off who can continue to stretch the inequality that is has arisen in housing. (Yes, the RBA touches on that, too.)

While higher prices mean bigger loans are required to buy a home, lower interest rates mean the cost of servicing the loan as a percentage of household income has actually improved. Take Exhibit B:

But higher prices require a bigger deposit – and that becomes a hurdle for some would-be first home buyers. The RBA argues that greater competition and deregulation of the banking market has lessened the blow by allowing FHBs to borrow a greater percentage of the total price. If the macroprudential hammer was used to enforce, say, 80 per cent loan-to-valuation ratios, that big deposit becomes a problem. The RBA didn't say it, but I will: first-timers can become disheartened by the way the deposit hurdle keeps rising.

Exhibit C is based on national average prices and shows the deposit requirement running at a record level, nudging all of the average household's annual disposable income. Add a fat premium for would-be Sydney buyers and it's a problem.

So what are the targets identified by the RBA that the committee is likely to endorse?

"Other factors, including the cost of acquiring and developing land, as well as the cost of building the dwellings, may be more amenable to policy influence," the bank says and lists delays in planning and approvals, lack of co-ordination between various agencies, changing regulatory requirements, lack of uniformity across councils, councils insufficiently resourced to handle work and the dreaded NIMBYs.

The submission offers a possible to-do list it attributes to "industry participants" who suggest supply could respond better to demand by:

  • Streamlining the planning and approvals process, including by applying code assessment to a greater range of development applications
  • Improving the coordination of processes between state government agencies and local councils
  • Having central authorities assess and approve large projects and coordinate different government agencies, where appropriate
  • Provide greater certainty on final developer charges to fund necessary infrastructure
  • Encourage greater up-front discussion between planning authorities and the community to diminish the impact of community opposition on the approval of new developments, and to provide greater certainty to developers

That's all comfortable stuff for federal politicians to recommend as none of it is their responsibility. Ditto a passing slap by the RBA at state stamp duties under heading of "opportunities for reform". The submission noted that the costs of owner-occupation are such that home ownership is not in the best interests of some households, giving the example of households that are likely to move within a few years, as they would face greater costs than if they rented.

"Some of these costs, such as stamp duty, are within the control of government policy, but legal and real estate agent fees can represent several percentage points of the total purchase price of the property, adding up to thousands of dollars."

After weighing a great many factors, the RBA basically comes down to saying there is no easy solution, effectively warning that people should be careful what they wish for:

"While it is undeniable that more younger households would be able to purchase a home if housing prices were significantly lower relative to their incomes, there are no examples internationally of large falls in nominal housing prices that have occurred other than through significant reduction in capacity to pay (e.g. recession and high unemployment).

"There is no mechanism to get a large and sustained level shift down in prices while a substantial fraction of the population can – safely and sustainably – service the obligations involved in paying the higher price.

"Additional housing supply ought to dampen housing prices, and more probably will reduce the growth rate of housing prices that occurs in response to increases in demand for housing. There is, therefore, an argument for government policy to avoid creating unnecessary barriers to supply. However, there is no example in Australia or internationally where supply expansion on its own generated housing price declines of a similar order of magnitude to the increases in prices seen in some Australian cities in recent years.

"Given the value Australian (and other) households place on home ownership, policy should not unduly advantage property investors at the expense of prospective owner-occupier home buyers. Financial stability considerations would suggest that tax and regulatory frameworks should avoid encouraging over-leveraging into property, whether by owner-occupiers or investors."

So there. In an ideal world, investors should not be "unduly" advantaged, but owner-occupiers also shouldn't be encouraged to over-leverage.

The coalition-dominated committee won't much like that. It also won't like the RBA shooting down Joe Hockey's preferred defence of negative gearing, that it's all about allowing average workers to get into real estate investment.

Hockey was singing that tune in a radio interview on Thursday as he dismissed the RBA's negative gearing suggestion. It's a line Social Services Minister Scott Morrison has tried and been thoroughly debunked by colleague Peter Martin.

Presumably Hockey didn't read that or chose to ignore it. Ditto the RBA submission which states:

"The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey also suggests that most investor households are in the top two income quintiles. These households hold nearly 80 per cent of all investor housing debt."

What should pain all governments if they want to move beyond the barbeque is the RBA's observation that despite investors' share of housing stock rising, the proportion of owner-occupiers has remained broadly steady – the rise of investors' proportion in part offsets a decline of governments' share.

Governments' investment in housing has been shrinking even as various studies have shown that is where the real housing affordability problem lies – the lack of social housing and affordable rental accommodation for the working poor.

It's something the Senate Economics References Committee inquiry bought into and about which it made many worthwhile recommendations when it was reported in May. But that report seems to have sunk without trace beyond the groups of urban planners and architects and citizens actually concerned about the type of country they live in and those who man our social safety nets.

The federal government will feel much safer dealing with its own committee looking at ownership, rather than affordability per se, but the RBA did refer to increasing inequality thanks to the rise of double income families and the increase in single adult households:


"This led to increased borrowing capacities for households with high home ownership propensities, which tend to have advantaged older households over younger ones. Accordingly, the decline in home ownership rates over the past decade or so has been concentrated in the third and fourth income quintiles, while that of the top 20 per cent of households by income has been little changed."

It's a much bigger issue that has been covered elsewhere. Too bad that's not what the government wants to believe or hear, and thus it won't.

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