

This was published 9 years ago

Inequality is growing in our own backyards

By Michael Pascoe

Turns out that it might not be the reviled "1 per cent" – the vastly overpaid chief executives, investment bankers and corporate lawyers – who are driving greater social inequality in developed nations.

It's more likely to be you.


LawnmowerCredit: Louise Kennerley

That's assuming you're an owner-occupier, as roughly two-thirds of Australians still are. Now that you have your castle, you want to defend it.

You want to see it rise in value, and the best way to do that is to limit further housing in your neighbourhood.

And speaking of the 'hood, there's every chance you want to "preserve its character". That's a euphemism for wanting it set in aspic and impinging on your neighbours' property rights by determining what they can and can't do with what, theoretically, is their land.

There is no greater oxymoron than calling your local anti-development lobby a "progress society".

Inequality gap

In many of the trendier suburbs, you may well be a Green or Labor supporter who rails against inequality but also rabidly supports the imposition of heritage orders to freeze often dreary and inefficient architecture and, heaven forbid, limit or ban higher density housing for the masses.

But it's you who is creating the inequality gap.


And you don't even have to be an owner-occupier to be part of the problem. In Sydney, for example, the public housing tenants of The Rocks, fighting to preserve their sense of generational entitlement to ridiculously expensive and highly inefficient housing, are in it up to their heavily taxpayer-subsidised necks.

Piketty fences

This insight into the biggest cause of inequality in much of the developed world comes from a 26-year-old graduate student's critique of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century.

Piketty became an economic rock star with his book, which argues that the rich are inevitably getting richer than the rest of us because the return on capital outpaces overall economic growth.

Piketty reckons we're on our way back to the drastic inequality of earlier centuries and recommends a global wealth tax be imposed to prevent it.

In the current edition of The Economist, young Matthew Rognlie says he thinks Piketty missed some important points.

In a new paper presented at the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity in March, Rognlie fingers what may be the major flaw in Piketty's influential book: It's not the return on capital per se that has been soaring beyond economic growth since 1970, but just surging house prices.

Rognlie says the return on non-housing wealth has actually been remarkably stable.

He has other arguments with Piketty but the housing insight is the hot and challenging one.

More difficult society

Others have suggested high housing prices are creating a more difficult society – those who have and those who have not – but Rognlie's bigger picture is more threatening. After all, there are some European countries where life-long renting is considered the norm and no great drama.

The Economist's Free Exchange column homed in (so to speak) on the housing angle, saying that if housing wealth is the biggest source of rising wealth, then a more focused approach than Piketty's wealth tax is called for.

"Policymakers should deal with the planning regulations and NIMBYism that inhibit house building and which allow home owners to capture super-normal returns on their investments," the column suggested, along with a view that the housing story doesn't entirely destroy Piketty's thesis, just re-targets it.

"[Piketty] certainly did not make housing wealth the central theme of his best-selling book. But a story in which a privileged elite uses its political power (albeit, through the planning system) to create economic rents for the few fits Mr Piketty's argument to a tee. Well-off home owners may for the moment be more responsible for rising wealth inequality than top-hatted capitalists or famous hedge fund managers. But their NIMBYism is a very Piketty-like phenomenon."

Direct correlation

As I've previously reported elsewhere, there's a direct correlation between the percentage of owner-occupiers and reducing the growth of housing in an area.

Owner-occupiers' antipathy towards further development, especially higher or even medium-density development, captures local councils and state politicians. It's the haves wanting to keep out the want-to-haves.

And limiting supply is a quick way to increase prices; just ask Twiggy Forrest. It's a quick way of extracting economic "rent".

It takes some invidious and simply outrageous forms, none more so than the effective theft that is the imposition of "heritage" orders on housing that is of little or no actual historical importance.

Heritage hysteria

A real example: Council X, subject to the usual pressures of "progress" associations and active, privileged NIMBYs, conducts a heritage survey and subsequently somewhat randomly classifies various properties as having "heritage value", being examples of whatever the standard architecture was in a given period.

Whacking a heritage classification on the average house generally means the council has robbed the owner of perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars of resale value, never mind the ability to deal with his or her property as he or she sees reasonably fit.

No, you won't find your local "progress" association or council interested in compensating the unfortunate owner for their community-imposed loss. At least a state government resuming houses for freeways is honest in its cancellation of property rights.

Some very average houses have been hit. The creeping heritage disease is making its way up through the decades. Have an inefficiently designed two-bedroom post-war bungalow? You're a prime target for losing your right to demolish and build something more useful, or even extensively extend what's already there, let alone dream of a medium-density opportunity.

And I don't necessarily mean post-World War I; they can be post-just about any war. One person's unliveable and ugly 1960s box can be a heritage commissar's prime example of unliveable and ugly 1960s boxes that needs to be preserved. Oh please.

One-sided planning

As for the inequality and inequities of zoning laws, your local council and state planners have no shame at all. Another genuine example, replicated in suburb after suburb, is when a council in its wisdom rezones one side of a street high density and leaves the other strictly limited to single family dwellings.

Values on the former side soar; a windfall profit from the council lottery for the owners, or, as suspected in some of the dodgier boroughs, a rich pay-off for insiders.

On the other side, there's every chance values fall as the losers are surrounded by high density with no chance of recompense.

As a minimum, in such circumstances there should be the opportunity for phased density. If you have a five-storey multi-dwelling neighbour, it would be reasonable for you to go three storeys and those a little further on to become townhouses and so on.

A happy medium?

But that's only part of the solution to the housing problem. If any government took that problem seriously and could ignore the rent seekers, medium density should be the default option for cities like Sydney. Anyone with a suitably sized block of land or any group of willing neighbours should be able to build a fashionable row of terraces instead of their isolated boxes, if they so wish.

Those who prefer their own quarter acre would, of course, be welcome to it, and the land tax that it would incur in a rational nation interested in sensible tax reform.


So put your hand up if you're genuinely interested in a fairer society, in preventing increasing inequality, in making housing more affordable for your children, in living in a more efficient, greener city with better infrastructure, and, effectively, freezing housing prices and restoring individual property rights?

I think I just lost the owner-occupier and NIMBY vote.

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