

This was published 7 years ago

Scope: Flat shares, housing, income. The year of muddling through

By Peter Martin

The economy will be too weak to justify a rate rise in the year ahead as growth falls short of targets, the dollar sinks, housing investment and home prices stall and the sharemarket treads water.

The exclusive financial year forecasts from the BusinessDay Scope forecasting panel are predicated on continued strong growth in China, an improvement in the US, a further decline in the iron ore price, and a slight contraction in Australia's terms of trade.

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Approaching its 40th year, the survey is made up of forecasts from 26 leading economists in the diverse fields of financial markets, academia, consultancy and industry. Over time its average predictions have proved to be more accurate than those of any of its individual members.

This year, for the first time, the panel has been asked to assign a probability to a conventionally defined recession. The average probability assigned to two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth during the two years ahead is 21 per cent. Panel members warn that the probability would increase dramatically if economic growth in China slowed or the housing market turned down sharply.

"When a housing market turns, it usually turns quickly," says Paul Dales of Capital Economics. "A much weaker housing market would lead to much weaker economic growth."

Home prices

After soaring an unexpected 11 per cent in the 12 months to May (probably less in the year to June when the figures are released on Monday) the CoreLogic measures of Sydney and Melbourne home prices are expected to go nowhere much in 2017-18, inching ahead by just 3.3 and 2.2 per cent.

Several panel members including Nicki Hutley of Urbis Consulting, Richard Robinson of BIS Oxford Economics, Stephen Koukoulas and Steve Keen expect house prices to sink. Stephen Anthony expects them to fall 10 per cent in Melbourne but to rise 5 per cent in Sydney.


Previously prescient forecasters including Renee Fry-McKibbin and Bill Mitchell expect further increases of 10 and 9 per cent.

After soaring 10 per cent in 2015-16 and 4.5 per cent in 2016-17, housing investment is expected to stall in 2017-18, climbing just 0.2 per cent. But the average forecast disguises a wide range. Hutley and Anthony expect slides of 4.9 and 10 per cent. Jakob Madsen and Fry-McKibbin expect an acceleration to growth of 7 per cent.

Business investment

The panel broadly agrees with the government's assessment that the worst is over. After tumbling 21 per cent in 2016-17, the panel expects mining investment to fall a further 12 per cent as predicted in the budget.

Non-mining investment is expected to grow by 3.3 per cent, rather than the forecast 4.5 per cent. Several of the panel are much more optimistic.

Margaret McKenzie of the ACTU expects growth of 10 per cent, Richard Yetsenga of the ANZ expects 7.4 per cent, and Alan Oster and Richard Robinson expect 6.5 per cent.

Economic growth

With little chance of enough extra investment to boost economic growth, and weaker than budgeted growth in household spending of 2.3 per cent, GDP is expected to grow by a below-trend 2.4 per cent rather than the budgeted 2.75 per cent. Only Paul Bloxham of HSBC expects particularly strong economic growth, of 3.4 per cent.

The more important measure of nominal GDP growth (income growth unadjusted for prices) is expected to slide from an outsized 6 per cent in 2016-17 to 3.7 per cent as the impact of higher minerals prices wears off.

Partly because nominal GDP is what drives budget revenue through company profits and bracket creep, the panel expect a worse than budgeted deficit, of $34.6 billion rather than $29 billion.

The best measure of overall living standards, real net disposable income per capita, is expected to grow just 1.8 per cent after growing by around 4 per cent in 2016-17.

Only Shane Oliver, Renee Fry-McKibbin, Besa Deda and Neville Norman are particularly optimistic about living standards, each predicting continued growth of around 4 per cent.

Several of the panel expect growth in living standards of close to zero (for which there are precedents – living standards went backwards in 2014-15).

Jakob Madsen expects growth of just 0.5 per cent, Michael Blythe expects 0.4 per cent, and Nicki Hutley expects zero, and Steve Keen a decline in living standards of 2 per cent.

The forecasts are predicated on economic growth in China near the Chinese target of 6.5 per cent and a pick-up in US growth to 2.1 per cent.

Wages and inflation

While broadly backing the government's forecast of an inflation rate close to 2 per cent, most of the panel can't see wage growth approaching the 2.5 per cent predicted in the budget.

Several of the panel expect it to slide further to 1.7 per cent (Margaret McKenzie) and 1.5 per cent and less (Steve Keen and Bill Mitchell) Only Julie Toth, Michael Blythe and Paul Bloxham expect the same sort of pick-up as the government. Bloxham expects 2.7 per cent.


The unemployment rate, also closely watched by the Reserve Bank, will stay close to the present 5.7 per cent.

Only Michael Blythe and Paul Bloxham expect unemployment rates substantially lower, at 5.4 and 5.3 per cent.

More pessimistic than the government forecast of 5.75 per cent are Stephen Anthony and Stephen Koukoulas who expect 6.2 per cent, and Steve Keen who expects 7 per cent.


With little to celebrate about economic growth, the Reserve Bank is most unlikely to lift interest rates, in the view of the panel. Twenty-three of the 26 expect no change this year, and 16 expect no change by June 2018.

Of those that do expect a change by June, four expect increases, and four expect decreases. The most extreme forecasts are from Steve Keen (a cut in the cash rate from 1.5 per cent to 1 per cent) and Mardi Dungey and Neville Norman, who expect increases to 2 and 2.25 per cent.

The panel is expecting a lift in the 10-year bond rate from 2.5 to 2.8 per cent in line with better conditions overseas.


The Australian dollar is expected to fall from its present 77 US cents to around 72 US cents without the stimulus of rising commodity prices and the 200 is expected to climb just 1.8 per cent to 5833 absent further growth in minerals prices.

The most optimistic forecasts for the sharemarket are further growth of 8 per cent to near 6200 (Michael Blythe and David Bassanese). The most pessimistic is a slide of 12 per cent to 5500 (Steven Anthony and Steve Keen).

Only two of our panel expect the dollar to rise; Blythe (to 78 US cents) and Margaret McKenzie (to 80 US cents). Keen and Koukoulas expect a slide to 65 US cents.


The panel expects a further fall in the iron ore price from around $US65 a tonne to near $US58, an outcome that would leave the price about where it was before the extraordinary rise to $US89 in the last part of last year and the first part of this year.

Some expect a return to around $US80, among them Neville Norman, Margaret McKenzie and Jacob Madsen. The most pessimistic, Stephen Anthony, expects the iron ore price to fall to $US40.

The decline will unwind 2.8 points of the remarkable 16 per cent jump in Australia's terms of trade in the financial year just ended. The result will be a current account deficit of around $32 billion, the lowest since before the mining booms began in 2003.

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