

This was published 1 year ago

Higher GST? Negative gearing changes? Why we’ve got to talk about tax

By Rachel Clun

Most younger Millennials and all Gen Z-ers would have never purchased clothing, shoes, books or even petrol without also paying a 10 per cent levy on top of the base price of that product.

It’s probably not something many think about regularly, if at all, given that tax – the goods and services tax, or the GST – came into effect in 2000.

Imagine no GST: Younger Millennials and Generation Z probably can’t.

Imagine no GST: Younger Millennials and Generation Z probably can’t.Credit: Natalie Boog

While that was more than 20 years ago, the introduction of the GST was the last major tax reform successfully introduced by any federal government. And that’s a problem.

As our population ages, Australia is going to need to spend more on increasingly expensive services such as health and aged care, while facing fewer people of working age to pay income tax – which happens to make up the greatest proportion of federal income.

The problem is one that all economists (who can never usually agree on anything) are in furious unison over: Australia needs tax reform.

Danielle Wood, who starts as head of the Productivity Commission today, said in a recent speech that Australia has a fiscal challenge.

Spending on the NDIS, increasingly costly medicines through the Medicare Benefits Schedule, aged care and defence are all forecast to grow at a rapid pace.

The government also relies heavily on income tax to fund these necessities. In this year’s federal budget, it expected individuals to pay more than $300 billion in income tax, more than half the government’s total tax revenue take (excluding GST, which gets handed straight back to the states).

This is a problem, said Wood in her Fairbairn lecture in Melbourne last month because,“We are asking future generations to bear the costs of today’s inaction.”


So why aren’t the major political parties talking about it?

Wood said that tax reform is not for the faint-hearted, as political scare campaign rumblings begin at the first whiff of it.


Indeed, Independent MP Allegra Spender said the major parties had done such a fantastic job of wedging each other on tax that it’s almost impossible for them to talk about it.

“It means that they don’t stand up and have some of the more difficult conversations,” she says.

It’s not just politicians who make reform hard for each other. The media does a great job of that as well – Wood rightly pointed out that the media finds tax beat-ups are almost irresistible, which feeds on the scare campaigns of politicians and vested interests.

She also highlighted how tax changes get a disproportionate share of coverage when compared with other government reforms.

The government’s superannuation tax changes – to wind back tax breaks for about 80,000 individuals with more than $3 million in their super accounts – garnered front-page coverage across the country’s newspapers, and generated more than 1200 news articles in the month following its introduction, Wood discovered.

Independent MP Allegra Spender wants to address how Australia’s tax system will work in the future.

Independent MP Allegra Spender wants to address how Australia’s tax system will work in the future.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

By contrast, Labor’s policy to extend the Commonwealth paid parental leave scheme to 26 weeks, which would affect about 180,000 families a year, received less than a quarter of the coverage in the month following its announcement.

(This masthead covered both reforms, and I wrote several stories on each myself. You can read some of those stories here and here.)

Part of the problem with political opposition and media reporting around the issue is the fact that the losers from changes can be quite obvious while winners are less clear – in Wood’s words, babies are poor advocates for reform. This can make it hard for people to swallow the idea of tax change.

But it also doesn’t help when the experts disagree about the best way to go about tackling reform. Spender is trying to get around that with a series of roundtables involving economists, business experts, unions and charities to find common ground on how Australia’s tax system should look.

These roundtables are about what the tax system should look like in 2035 – not the next budget – and focus on what sort of mix of taxes the country should have, rather than the amount of tax the country should gather.

Spender’s goal is to get consensus across parliament and find common ground politicians can tackle together, but she admits some people have very strong views.

Despite the difficulties, reform is possible, she said, and it can come in four key steps.

First up is putting reform on the agenda, and that might take an external push, be it advocacy or a crisis.

Second, there needs to be a package of changes. It might sound counterintuitive, but changing several taxes at once is potentially easier than changing just one: it doesn’t provide one large target for opposition, and a package that includes compensation can help dull some of the pain.

The third step is to make a strong pitch to voters, which takes time and political capital. The GST is an example of that, with former prime minister John Howard and treasurer Peter Costello spending years building their case and highlighting the structural issues with the tax base, before taking it to an election.

Spender has had people in her eastern Sydney electorate tell her they were worried about their children and grandchildren’s futures, and many understood that while they might not benefit from changes to capital gains tax or superannuation tax settings, those conversations were needed.

“I think there’s actually a lot of concern out there,” she said.

The fourth step is to make sure the changes stick – because depressingly, once reforms pass parliament, the job isn’t done, Wood said. Just take the recent NSW example, where the Labor government unwound the previous government’s short-lived stamp duty changes.

Despite all the hurdles, Wood remained optimistic that our politicians can find the will to do the heavy lifting.

“Tax reform is simply too big an economic prize to be left on the shelf,” she said.

The work needs to start soon because there is no quick fix. Spender hopes the federal government takes reform to the next election.

“Is it worth the political capital and campaign to deal with it? The answer has to be yes. Because if we can’t face these long-term issues, then we are letting people down.”

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