
Negative gearing

How to solve Australia’s housing crisis

How to solve Australia’s housing crisis

Governments have neglected their fundamental obligation to realise everyone’s human right to housing and home.

  • by Kevin Bell


Remember when only men could own property? No? There’s a reason for that

Remember when only men could own property? No? There’s a reason for that

Laws need to change to equally weigh the rights of those who want to buy a home against those who simply want to invest in a property.

  • by Cathy Sherry
Albanese’s latest plan is triggering elite economists. Don’t listen to them

Albanese’s latest plan is triggering elite economists. Don’t listen to them

Despite our expensive subsidies for property investors, commentators who have made their careers by calling for ever more reform hate Labor’s signature policy.

  • by Shaun Carney
Five options for slashing landlord concessions to help fix the housing crisis

Five options for slashing landlord concessions to help fix the housing crisis

Key independent senators have teamed up and say the government could be giving up as much as $60 billion in tax revenue if it doesn’t make changes.

  • by Rachel Clun
The Sydney suburbs where property investors can claim the most on tax

The Sydney suburbs where property investors can claim the most on tax

High property prices and mortgage rates have left more investors claiming negative gearing tax deductions, experts say.

  • by Tawar Razaghi and Melissa Heagney-Bayliss
The Melbourne suburbs where property investors can claim the most on tax

The Melbourne suburbs where property investors can claim the most on tax

Investors can claim sizeable tax concessions in some pricey suburbs, but they need deep pockets to be able to cover their mortgage repayments.

  • by Melissa Heagney-Bayliss
‘Act on tax and housing’: 59 per cent of voters back case for change
Tax reform

‘Act on tax and housing’: 59 per cent of voters back case for change

A clear majority of voters back the case for tax reform that can help young Australians buy their first homes.

  • by David Crowe
Why fixing negative gearing would be a positive for our kids

Why fixing negative gearing would be a positive for our kids

Real estate agents and home building companies always claim getting rid of the tax lurk would do great damage to renters and buyers alike. Don’t believe it.

  • by Ross Gittins
Who in their right mind would want to stop negative gearing?

Who in their right mind would want to stop negative gearing?

A few thousand dollars in tax deductions today will save the government hundreds of thousands of dollars in welfare down the track. What’s not to like?

  • by Noel Whittaker
The Perth suburbs where negative gearing is going through the roof

The Perth suburbs where negative gearing is going through the roof

The gap between what investors receive in rent and spend in mortgage repayments is widening, in some areas by more than $1600 a week.

  • by Sarah Brookes
Melbourne suburbs where negative gearing is going through the roof

Melbourne suburbs where negative gearing is going through the roof

Melbourne rents have jumped, but mortgage costs in some areas have soared by hundreds of dollars more per week.

  • by Elizabeth Redman

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