

This was published 4 months ago


It’s D-Day for Europe’s trade relationship with China

A flashpoint is looming in the trade relationship between the European Union and China – and it’s one that could ignite a tit-for-tat escalation akin to that experienced between the US and China.

The EU is scheduled to announce the results of an anti-subsidy investigation into imports of Chinese electric vehicles on Wednesday, although there are suggestions that it will postpone the announcement until next week because of this week’s European Parliament elections.

There is an expectation that the EU will impose a tariff rate of between 20 and 30 per cent on Chinese-built EVs, a significant increase on its 10 per cent rate now on all auto imports.

Higher import tariffs on China-made electric cars in Europe could set off a tit-for-tat escalation akin to that between the US and China.

Higher import tariffs on China-made electric cars in Europe could set off a tit-for-tat escalation akin to that between the US and China.Credit: Bloomberg

With the EU accusing China’s EV makers of not co-operating fully with its probe, having unsuccessfully sought details of the financial support the companies received from suppliers and others, the rate imposed might be somewhat higher than it might otherwise have been.

If the EU does go ahead and slap a duty on electric carmakers that China considers unreasonable, the Europeans have already been warned that China could retaliate.

“If the EU does not practice what it preaches and continues to suppress Chinese companies, China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard the legitimate interests of Chinese companies,” China’s commerce minister Wang Wentao said at a meeting with Chinese businesspeople in Spain last weekend.

The potential trade clash between the EU and China comes at delicate moment for both.

China is already investigating imports of cognac and brandy from the EU, and there have been signals it will put a 25 per cent import duty on the large-engine vehicles that European companies, particularly Germany’s carmakers, export to China. The major export market for German luxury vehicle manufacturers is China, which generates more than $30 billion a year of income for them.

Other potential targets for retaliation include pork, dairy, wine and luxury goods.


The issue of how its EVs are taxed in Europe is a sensitive one for China. Europe is the largest and fastest-growing market for its EV manufacturers. Last year, EU imports of EVs from China amounted to more than $17 billion, capturing more than 8 per cent of the European market for electric cars.

There are various estimates that a 20 per cent tariff on Chinese EVs would reduce the volume of imports by about 25 per cent, or around 125,000 vehicles, and cost the EV manufacturers about $6 billion a year (and growing rapidly) of sales.


Not only is Europe a big and rapidly growing destination for China’s EVs, but the margins available are more than double those in its fiercely-contested and over-supplied domestic market. Indeed, the European market is so profitable for Chinese companies that there are estimates it would take a tariff rate of 50 per cent or more to render the profitability of their exports marginal.

The approach taken by the Europeans is different to that of the US, which quadrupled the tariffs on Chinese EVs last month (along with other increased tariffs on China’s “green” exports).

In the US, there’s a confluence of geopolitical wrestling, national security concerns, protectionism and the domestic politics of an election year intensifying the six-year-old trade war with China.

The EU’s goal isn’t that of the US, which wants to shut Chinese EVs and other strategic products out of its market completely, but a desire for a level playing field.

Its mooted tariffs are designed to offset the advantage that China’s financial subsidies and other non-financial support for its EV companies have over European carmakers.

It is concerned that significant overcapacity in China’s auto industry, which is operating at less than 65 per cent capacity so far this year (a 7 per cent fall on the same period last year), will result in the dumping of cheap Chinese EVs in Europe’s markets, causing irreparable damage to its industrial base and employment.

More than 6 per cent of the EU’s employment base is connected, directly or indirectly, with the auto industry.

The EU is conducting similar investigations of imports from China of wind turbines, solar panels, steel and even vanilla, with the electric car decision seen as a litmus test for the broader trade relationship.

Where the US wants to erect an impenetrable wall around strategic industries, the EU wants to maintain a solid trade relationship with China, even though it ran a close to half-a billion dollar trade deficit with China last year. It wants fair competition rather than outright protectionism.

China, of course, doesn’t see it that way, claiming the EU is using false narratives about unfair competition, subsidies and overcapacity and arguing that restricting imports of EVs and other green technologies from China will hinder Europe’s ability to achieve its climate goals.

It has also held out the prospect of incentives if the EU backs off, suggesting it might lower its own tariffs on European auto exports from 15 per cent to 10 per cent. No doubt it would have other concessions up its sleeve if it thought they could help influence the EU’s decisions.

The potential trade clash between the EU and China comes at delicate moment for both.


China knows that the US isn’t going to wind back its anti-China trade barriers and that, if Donald Trump were to regain the presidency, those walls would be built even higher. Trump has foreshadowed a 60 per cent tariff rate for most, if not all, of China’s exports to the US.

The Europeans, who have rebuilt a relationship with the US that was fractured by Trump’s last term in office, would also be aware that Trump plans a 10 per cent duty on all other imports, including those of America’s allies.

Both Biden and Trump are also looking to close down backdoor access to the US market. Chinese companies have been looking to establish EV plants in Mexico and South America to circumvent the US tariff regime.

The European leaders know – as does the Chinese leadership – that, if the US turns its back on Europe, China will become an even more important trading partner.

Alternatively, if the trade frictions intensify, China could find itself shut out of its two biggest export markets, or roughly 40 per cent of its exports. Add other G7 economies, and most of its exports would be at risk if other Western countries were to erect their own trade walls to prevent a flood of cheap Chinese imports.


That’s a compelling reason for both sides to tread cautiously, especially until the outcome of the US election is known. No one would win from a full-scale global trade war – but China, with an economy designed and built by Beijing for exporting, would probably be the biggest loser.

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