

This was published 14 years ago

Gillard cuts mining tax deal

  • New tax will apply only to iron ore and coal
  • Tax to be capped at 30 per cent
  • Key promise of lifting super will be kept
  • Plans to cut company taxes will be halved
  • Budget still to return to surplus by 2013

Update The Gillard government has ended a damaging dispute with global miners by dumping its "super profits" tax for a lower resources rent tax backed by big miners - lopping $1.5 billion from expected revenues in the process.

The new Minerals Resource Rent Tax will apply only to iron ore and coal projects, while a Petroleum Resource Rent Tax, currently applicable to offshore oil and gas projects, will be extended to onshore oil and gas projects, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said this morning.

The resource rent tax will be at a rate of 30 per cent, down from the previous "super profits" tax rate of 40 per cent, and the trigger point for the tax will be higher, at the 10-year bond rate plus 7 per cent, currently at around 12 percent.

MRRT v RSPT: the differences between the two taxes
Henry junked as miners do the numbers: Michael Pascoe
Julia's brilliant backflip: Malcolm Maiden

The announcement indicates the new PM has taken just over a week to resolve a bitter two-month fight with major miners over the new tax, and removes a key obstacle to her calling an early election. Opposition leader Tony Abbott said the up-coming election would be a referendum on the ''tax grab.''

Initially introduced by former PM Kevin Rudd as the Resources Super Profits Tax, the new tax sparked a public relations war with the mining industry and contributed to depleting his popularity, particularly in resource-rich Western Australia and Queensland.

Tax cut halved

Ms Gillard said the reforms would maintain Australia's attractiveness as an investment target and bolster the economy. Key promises of raising compulsory superannuation payments and bringing the budget back into surplus by 2013 will be kept - but plans to cut company taxes will be halved to pay for the concessions.

''Australians are entitled to a fairer share of the mineral wealth within our ground,'' Ms Gillard told the briefing, calling the accord with the big miners ''a great result.''

The Opposition remains opposed to the new tax even in its modified form, while Greens leader Bob Brown says the changes will be closely scrutinised by the Senate.

The Minerals Council, formerly among the fiercest opponents of the tax changes, today backed what it called ''a real rent tax.''

Treasurer Wayne Swan accredited the breakthrough to Ms Gillard's role, lauding a "marked change of attitude". ''Her intervention changed the tone of the debate,'' he told the media briefing.

Julia Gillard and  Wayne Swan announce the deal.

Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan announce the deal.Credit: Reuters

"We have a situation where the larger companies are going to be paying more tax and that needs to be understood."

Investors have cheered the resolution, sending the Australian dollar up half a US cent on the news to about 84.6 US cents.

Shares of big mining companies also got a boost in early trading as the overall market advanced before paring gains in afternoon trading. BHP Billiton, the world's largest miner, rose as much as 1.6 per cent, or 59 cents, to $37.70. Rio gained $1, or 1.5 per cent, to $66.10, while Andrew ''Twiggy'' Forrest's Fortescue Mining Group jumped as much as 16 cents, or 4 per cent, to $4.16.

Not all the miners applauded the deal, however, with Queensland magnate Clive Palmer unhappy about the ''large tax'' compromise.

Only iron and coal

The renamed Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) will apply only to iron ore and coal in Australia, and will be capped at 30 per cent rather than the original 40 per cent proposed. Oil and gas projects will come under the current Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT) regime to all Australian onshore and offshore oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf.


''The breakthrough agreement keeps faith with our central goal from day one: to deliver a better return for the Australian people for the resources they own and which can only be dug up once,'' Ms Gillard said in the earlier statement. ''It is the result of intense consultation and negotiation with the resources industry.''

''These represent three-quarters of the value of our exports and resource operating profits and account for an even greater share of resource rents in the mining industry. They also represent the vast bulk of growth in the sector over the coming decades,'' the statement said.

Other commodities will not be included, which reduces the number of affected companies from 2500 to around 320, the statement said. ''These commodities were not expected to pay significant amounts of resource rent tax, and excluding them will allow many companies to remain in their existing taxation regimes,'' the statement said.

'Sensible middle ground'

Burrell Stockbroking associate Peter Wright said the miners had been successful and a sensible middle ground had been reached over the issue of a new mining tax.

“There was a subtle acknowledgement from mining companies all along they could pay more tax but the way (the original tax proposal) was gone about … was absolutely disastrous for mining companies.”

The mining sector had prevailed in the disagreement in part because the original proposed tax was so poorly designed, it invited their protest, he said.

The breakthrough agreement keeps faith with our central goal from day one: to deliver a better return for the Australian people for the resources they own and which can only be dug up once

Mr Wright compared the government’s back down to the controversy surrounding the WorkChoices industrial relations reform which had infuriated unions, setting the stage for former prime minister John Howard to be voted out of office in 2007.

He said the Gilliard compromise may signal a more consultative approach towards business like that seen in Labor governments under Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.

He expects mining stocks to be from 3 to 5 per cent higher across the board on the news.

BHP Billiton chief executive Marius Kloppers said there was still a lot of work to be done before the tax is enacted but vowed to work together "constructively" with the government.

"We are encouraged that the MRRT design is closer to our frequently stated principles of sound tax reform, in that the proposed tax will be prospective in its treatment of profits from our iron ore and coal businesses, and not apply to the other commodities in our portfolio," he said.

Higher profit hurdle

Crucially, the new ''super profits'' tax will only kick in when profit exceeds the long-term government bond rate plus 7 per cent - compared with just the bond rate in the original reform announced by then-PM Kevin Rudd on May 2. That means the cut-in rate will be about 12 per cent at current bond rates.

The deal is in line with details first published yesterday by BusinessDay's Malcolm Maiden. The government negotiated directly with BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Xstrata, three of the world's biggest miners. The exclusion of smaller miners may lead to dissent, with some smaller resource companies complaining about being excluded from talks.

Miners will have two years to prepare, with the new tax kicking in on July 1, 2012.

The ''improved'' reforms are estimated to reduce revenue by $1.5 billion over the forward estimates - or four years - according to the statement from the PM's office.

As a result, the plan to cut the company tax rate from 30 per cent to 28 per cent has been pared back, with only half that cut to be introduced.

''The company tax rate will continue to be cut to 29 per cent from 2013-14 but will not be further reduced under current fiscal conditions,'' the statement said. ''Small companies will benefit from an early cut to the company tax rate to 29 per cent from 2012-13.''


''The improved resource taxation reforms focus on the most profitable resources, raise the uplift factor for tax losses, remove refundability and offer generous depreciation arrangements to promote new investment,'' it said. ''They are more generous to industry in some respects, while industry has given ground in other areas.''

Policy transition group

To underscore the government's efforts to bring the mining industry on side, Ms Gillard will set up a ''policy transition group'' to oversee the introduction of the tax changes.

Significantly, the group will be chaired by former BHP chairman Don Argus and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson.

''This agreement provides certainty to the resources industry, to mining communities right around the country, and to the broader Australian economy,'' the government said in its release.

''It sends a very clear message to the world that the Australian resources sector is strong and its future is secure.''

The original ''resources super-profits tax'' prompted the mining tax to embark on what was planned to be a $100 million advertising campaign against the tax, countered in part by a planned $38 million publicity effort by the federal government.

New PM Gillard used her first press conference to declare a ceasefire in the advertising campaign. The government's ad spending came in at about $11 million, and the miners may have spent less - about $7 million, according to this report.

BusinessDay, with Jacob Saulwick, SMH

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