

This was published 14 years ago

Henry junked as miners do the numbers

By Michael Pascoe

No wonder the Big Three miners have signed up with Team Julia - this morning's announcement delivers them a top effective tax rate of 45 per cent for Australia's biggest and richest iron ore and coal mines, and that's without taking into account the generous depreciation deals, diesel excise rebate and something yet to come on the exploration incentive front.

So the BHP, Rio, Xstrata and their smaller brethren will have the same effective marginal tax rate as Australian individuals earning more than $180,000 a year. I guess you can spot the symmetry, a key factor missing in the Ken Henry ''elegant'' model.

Of course the old, thin-lipped Wayne Swan, the Queensland ALP machine man who was Treasurer under Kevin Rudd might have said their effective top tax rate will now be about 34 per cent, given his (discredited) claim that they were only paying 13 to 17 per cent in company tax.

But the new improved Wayne Swan, transformed by the Julia factor into a consensus-seeking new-age kinda guy in touch with his feelings, has ditched the last hints of the Henry Tax Review, ''moving forward'' in partnership with everyone except Clive Palmer.

To set a couple of things straight that were not clear from this morning's media conference:

  • The Henry concept of ''uplift'' has been junked along with the government partnership idea. What is still unfortunately being called ''uplift'' - at the much more generous rate of the bond rate plus 7 per cent - only applies to carrying forward losses on projects.
  • The big new factor, of just as much importance as cutting the rate from 40 to 30 per cent, is a 25 per cent extraction allowance that ''recognises the contribution of the miner's expertise to profits at the mine gate''.
  • The name change, from the loaded ''Resources Super Profits Tax'', to Mineral Resource Rent Tax is an improvement, a step away from the Viva Cubana school of nomenclature that characterised the Rudd government, but it's not right. It's there because of kinship with the now-expanded Petroleum Resource Rent Tax. The real name is mentioned in the Resources and Energy Department attachment to the official announcement - the Bulk Commodity Resource Tax.
  • There's an admission that the Swan/Henry RSPT was even more inefficient, complex and stupid than it appeared - or there's something seriously wrong with the figures here. That these changes are only going to cost $1.5 billion over the forward estimates is utterly amazing.
  • And if the changes only knock $1.5 billion off the government's bottom line over four years, it won't have much trouble finding the money to reinstate the promised and rather far-off further cut in the corporate tax rate to 28 per cent. Gee, that's only a few Pink Batts and school sheds.
  • Of course, if the old Wayne Swan had actually read and understood the Henry Review, he would already have known that his department head thought the ''elegant'' tax he pursued with a vengeance was too inefficient and costly to apply to lower-value minerals. Only a goose would have proposed applying the RSPT to limestone and gravel. But, in the phrase of the month, they're ''moving forward'' from all that.

Number crunching

To explain how the 45 per cent effective tax rate is derived: Let's say BRX Mines makes $100 profit at the mine gate on iron ore, the new 25 per cent extraction allowance reduces that to $75 before the bulk commodity resource tax is charged at 30 per cent, so the MRRT bill is $22.50, leaving $77.50 in pre-company tax profit. Company tax is then levied at 29 per cent on the $77.50 = $22.475. Round that company tax up a fraction and adding it to the MRRT, BRX is paying total tax of $45 - the same as the new top personal income tax rate without the Medicare levy. Neat, eh?

Your humble correspondent has argued from the start there was a psychological hurdle in the RSPT model of the government taking more than half the profit, never mind the ''we own the minerals'' line.

It's very hard for all but the most doctrinaire (i.e. Clive Palmer) to claim that it's unjust for fabulously profitable mining companies to just pay the same top tax rate as individual Australians. As previously reported here, the RSPT effective tax rate would commonly be around 55 per cent for the biggest players, as potentially as much as 77 per cent.

BRX also gets to depreciate its old, extremely profitable mines all over again for the MRRT accounting to escape the ''retrospectivity'' charge. Along with the rest of the allowances, rebates and deductions available to the industry, they really don't have anything to complain about.

Missing piece

And yet to come is some sort of exploration incentive that will be discussed by Martin Ferguson and Don Argus. That looks to me like ''flow-through-shares'' will be back on the table - the incentive much wanted by the smaller miners and explorers.

(Flow-through-shares allow the passing on of tax deductions for losses to investors, in much the same way franking credits for tax paid by profitable companies are passed on to shareholders. The Canadians introduced the scheme and caused an explosion of exploration activity. The local exploration industry body, AMEC, has pushed modelling that claims it would only cost the government $130 million a year - but the whole business of modelling has had its credibility diminished over the past two months.)

Never mind that the Henry review specifically recommended against exploration incentives. It also recommended against lifting the super guarantee levy. Today's major changes to the old Wayne Swan's botched version of the Henry resources rent tax effectively buries the Henry review in total.

Nothing major has survived, just a couple of passing concepts that have been modified almost beyond recognition. It would take must stronger leadership and saleswomanship to revive the better ideas "moving forward''.

Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor. The Pascoe family super fund holds BHP and a couple of more speculative mining shares.

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