

This was published 9 years ago

Where next for troubled Santos?

By Michael West

Tony Abbott called it a 'stupid decision'. Joe Hockey and Christopher Pyne derided it too but, as a trade, the decision by the Australian National University to sell out of Santos last year has been a cracker.

When the ANU sold, Santos shares were fetching more than $12. At last close on Friday they were $5.30. Now the group faces the unenviable spectre of raising capital against a depressed share price or selling assets in a depressed oil and gas market.

Santos boss David Knox will step down.

Santos boss David Knox will step down.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Were it not for chat about white knights, cornerstone investors and prospective suitors, the stock price would be weaker.

Santos is in trouble. Unless the prices of oil and gas rebound strongly, it will struggle to meet its interest bill in the current half. The recent half year results showed a net debt of $8.8 billion for a net debt to equity ratio of 90.5 per cent. But that was as of June 30.

Santos' debt would appear to now be well in excess of the value of its assets.

Santos' debt would appear to now be well in excess of the value of its assets. Credit: Brendan Esposito

According to a research report by analyst Bruce Robertson, the debt-to-equity ratio is now more like 108 per cent.

As Santos's debt is mostly denominated in $US and the $A has fallen, for every 1c fall in the $A, Santos' debt rises by $100 million. The currency is down 5.7c; so borrowings are up to $9.4 billion.

The company moreover is in a capital expenditure phase and second half capex is tipped at $1.155 billion which means Santos is on track to end the half with $10.5 billion in debt, according to Robertson.


True Position Worse

Its true position is worse. Its debt needs to be viewed against the value of its assets and the company has failed to make write-downs despite material falls in the price of oil and gas.

Financial statements are supposed to give a "true and fair" view of a company's current position but the Santos forecasts are way out of date.

"Given the very large falls in the oil price that have occurred over the last year it may have been prudent for the auditors to revisit Santos' asset values at the half yearly result," says Robertson.

The oil price now trades 26 per cent below the average of the last half year to June 2015. "Perhaps more disturbingly is that the outlook in the medium term for oil has deteriorated markedly.

The excess production does not seem to have abated and Iran, one of the world's largest producers, has started to export. This is reflected in the futures curve for oil that shows Brent oil at $US60.83 in December 2019, some 32 per cent below the auditors' assumptions.

"At present, in my opinion, the asset values on the balance sheet of Santos do not give a true and fair view of its financial position. They are overstated by a large margin."

Santos probably avoided making write-downs in order to save its credit rating. But as Robertson points out, its peers have written down similar assets.

"BG Group reported a $US4.1 billion write-down on its LNG project (in February). This write-down was based on a reduction in the group's assumptions of future commodity prices. Santos has not written down the Gladstone LNG project.

"The company will most likely make a loss at the net profit line before any asset write downs due to very weak oil and gas prices."

Pilliga Doubts

Santos realised an average oil price $US60.38 a barrel in the June half.

"If the company realised $US50 ($US6 above the current price) in the second half at the current exchange rate of 71c it would shave $170 million of their profit before taking into account reduced profitability from gas." The total interest bill was $125 million in the June half and EBIT was $226 million.

"It is unlikely, in my opinion, that Santos will be able to cover its interest in the current half unless there is a large rise in the oil and gas price."

Thankfully, its debt is well structured, with small maturities until 2017. And it has quality assets to sell, such as the PNG portfolio, but being under pressure to sell good assets in a poor market is cold comfort.

The viability of high-cost assets such as the controversial Pilliga coal seam gas project will need to be revisited. Pilliga is expensive gas, says Robertson. With production costs above $8/GJ, and global gas prices down 30 per cent in the past year, the economics don't stack up.

"To transport to Asia and liquefy gas it costs around $US3.50," says the report.

"Essentially Santos needs to produce gas at under $US4.40 to be economic. It cannot do this at Pilliga."

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