

This was published 10 years ago

Students put the Coalition on notice over climate change

By Louis Klee

Since the moment of his ascendency to office, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been determined to keep climate change off the national agenda. He was carried to victory on his pledge to repeal Australia's carbon pricing, his first act as Prime Minister was to abolish the Climate Commission, he has vowed to leave aside climate change in G20 talks and he was conspicuously absent at the New York climate summit to the opprobrium of those present.

Yet, Mr Abbott has, in the past week, been drawn into a confrontation over the future of the fossil fuel industry in Australia, declaring: "Coal is good for humanity." The fascinating thing is that this debate – one that is fast becoming a "bellwether moment in Australia," as Greens leader Christine Milne put it – was started by the humble efforts of a grassroots student campaign at the Australian National University.

Yes vote: A poll of students was overwhelmingly in favour of ANU divesting itself of shares in fossil fuel businesses.

Yes vote: A poll of students was overwhelmingly in favour of ANU divesting itself of shares in fossil fuel businesses.Credit: none

Despite the furore of media coverage of the ANU's divestment decision in the past fortnight, one thing has been conspicuously lacking – the perspective of the students who initiated the campaign.

The movement that started it all was Fossil Free ANU. Part of the ANU Environmental Collective, this small, dedicated circle of students, which is organised through democratic, consensus-based decision making, first targeted the investments of ANU back in 2011. At the time, ANU had $1 million worth of shares in Metgasco, a company involved in coal seam gas extraction in northern NSW. The university council agreed to divest following pressure from the students – a decision that proved to be a sound financial judgment, as Metgasco had its licence revoked earlier this year and was referred by NSW Resources Minister Anthony Roberts to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

More recently, campaigning from Fossil Free ANU has led to the vice-chancellor, Ian Young, agreeing to implement a socially responsible investment policy in 2012. And, earlier this year, students at the ANU called a referendum, in which more than 82 per cent of students voted in favour of the ANU divesting from fossil fuels in what was the highest turnout in student politics for more than a decade. It was in this context that ANU decided to sell its holdings in Santos and Oil Search, which performed poorly in an independent review undertaken by the Centre for Australian Ethical Research on October 3.

Yet, while students were excited by the university council's decision to divest from two fossil fuel companies, the reaction from the government and the media came as a surprise to even the university administration. While churches around the country, such as the Uniting Church, have been divesting throughout this year with little or no backlash, the ANU has received disproportionate criticism, scrutiny and derision for its divestment commitment.

In the past fortnight, the Australian Financial Review has run more than 30 predominately negative stories on the divestment decision, with the editor-in-chief, Michael Stutchbury, pronouncing the decision to be as "disingenuous" as banning the burqa. Since then, senior members of the cabinet have been invited by the AFR to weigh into the debate, with Treasurer Joe Hockey stating that the ANU Council is "removed from the reality of what is helping to drive the Australian economy and create more employment"; Education Minister Christopher Pyne lamenting that "the universities govern themselves" and make their own investment choices; and Mr Abbott describing the decision as "stupid".

It takes little acumen to recognise that none of this fits with the publicly espoused ideology of the Liberal Party, with its commitment to the machinations of the free market. In abolishing the carbon tax, Mr Abbott was ostensibly letting the investors address climate change with market instruments and signals, free from government intervention, making only a tokenistic infringement with his Direct Action incentive scheme.

This hypocrisy has drawn the ire of business leaders and former Liberal Party leaders Malcolm Fraser and John Hewson. With a growing number of other prominent public figures, they signed an open letter stating: "We cannot understand why a government that is committed to deregulating the university sector would question the ability of a university to make investment decisions."


But despite the incredulity of the open letter, Hewson intimated, in a radio interview with the ABC, that he did in fact understand the government's motive: "The mining industry has bought this government, like it bought the last one."

The government's reaction to the events at ANU has revealed that it is profoundly beholden to the interests of the mining industry. The divestment decision has become a bellwether moment because it has demonstrated the complicity of state power with the mining industry; because it has placed into stark relief the fact that the government only supports the free market when the free market supports the mining industry; that, in short, Mr Abbott speaks for a vested and increasingly shrill industry over the will of those acting to prevent climate crisis. It reveals, as Robert Manne wrote on the day when the carbon tax was repealed, that Mr Abbott was elected "by the right-wing of his party for a single purpose: to destroy any meaningful action in Australia against the threat of climate change".

Yet, even when Prime Minister Abbott refuses to put climate change on the agenda, the actions of the students of ANU have put it in the public eye once again. And the success of this grassroots movement in creating this crucial moment in Australia demonstrates that the citizens of this country are powerful voices in the debate over climate justice. It demonstrates that they are, ultimately, voices speaking with growing eloquence, urgency and authority for one thing: action to address global climate change.

As Christine Milne said on Monday: "The divestment movement is putting the Abbott government on notice."

Louis Klee is an organiser at Fossil Free ANU and has been involved in the campaign since 2011.

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