

This was published 4 years ago


Household debt will be the biggest drag on economic recovery

By Angela Jackson

The higher you climb, the further you have to fall. While others were slowed down by dot-com busts and global financial malaise, the Australian economy kept on climbing for close to three decades with barely a stumble.

Things started looked a bit shaky in 2019, with consumers worrying about the size of the debt in their backpacks and the lack of energy in their wage packets. The Reserve Bank responded by dropping interest rates to record lows to keep us moving. And by the end of the year we had started walking up that mountain of growth once again.

Australia’s economic miracle was underpinned by the rise of China, but fuelled by the cycle of household debt, higher house and other asset prices, and even higher household debt.

Australia’s economic miracle was underpinned by the rise of China, but fuelled by the cycle of household debt, higher house and other asset prices, and even higher household debt.Credit: Stephen McKenzie

Normal political orthodoxies have been set aside in the government's COVID-19 response. This is about survival and there is seemingly no limit in government support – unless you are an expat unfortunate enough to have called Australia home (the United Kingdom is supporting foreign-born residents during this crisis, unlike Australia).

The current government spendathon sits at $214 billion, and will help push net government debt to over 30 per cent of GDP. Economists keen to return to the normal political paradigms are talking about the long-term impacts of paying back this debt. The hope is that the economy recovers as fast as it was forced to collapse to stop COVID-19 in its tracks – the so called V-shaped recession. But the government debt problem is not the debt problem that will undermine Australia's recovery. That debt problem lies with households who over the boom years saw their debt more than double to 120 per cent of GDP.

Long touted as a weakness in Australia's economic fundamentals by the IMF and OECD, it's high level of household debt that's the Achilles heel in this dream economic recovery. It is telling that, internationally, Australia's level of government debt is amongst the lowest, while our household debt is amongst the highest.

Australia's economic miracle was underpinned by the rise of China but fuelled by the cycle of household debt, higher house and other asset prices, and even higher household debt. The economic collapse brought by the pandemic will undermine this cycle in three important ways and make any V-shaped recovery an especially hard slog for Australia.

High debt was supported by high asset prices – but asset prices have started to fall. Stock markets are down over 20 per cent from recent highs, with early predictions that the housing market will match these falls. This means that the net wealth – assets less debt – of households is likely to be much lower going into the recovery.

Incomes are also under pressure, even if you have kept your job you are likely to have suffered a reduction in income. The financial pressure of servicing existing debt will therefore be greater, and this will limit our willingness to take on new debt to help sustain the recovery.

Finally, while interest rates remain low, as the RBA engages in quantitative easing, our ability to access credit may become harder as banks move to protect their balance sheets and lenders become more cautious. The inability to access new debt and refinance existing debt will put a further handbrake on growth. Combined, this means that households cannot be expected to carry the burden of the recovery – and are likely to slow it down by using any uptick in income to pay down debt.


In this environment, talk of increasing taxation and cutting back on government spending before the economy is up and moving again is foolhardy and ultimately self-defeating. Such policies will further undermine the ability of households to start spending and support the economic revival.

For Australia to restart its climb, businesses and government will need to carry the load. Not households. We may have to wait a long time for consumers to pick up the pace, and the economy will need support until that occurs.


An expansion of the government's investment allowance to cover all businesses will help support greater investment by those with the greatest capacity to borrow and invest – big business. This will drive jobs and higher incomes, and help sustain a recovery.

But direct government spending will need to play the biggest role. There will be the infrastructure projects that directly employ idle workers, a feature of most economic recovery packages. Thankfully the government has time to plan these projects before the recovery can commence, ensuring they deliver long-term economic and social benefits.

Moving beyond the normal infrastructure spend from fiscal stimulus 101, the government should look to investing in our social and human capital – so that all Australians can participate and benefit from the recovery.


Schools will need extra resources to bring students back to speed, especially those from poorer households most likely to fall behind during closures. Workers will need new skills to work in the post COVID-19 economy, as old jobs simply fail to return. Many will need additional mental health services to move past the months of social isolation and heightened anxiety.

All this government spending and support for our economy will mean taking on even higher levels of debt than currently forecast. But rather than seeing this debt as a burden, it should be seen as the fuel that will sustain us all to climb that mountain of economic growth.

Angela Jackson is an economist at Equity Economics.

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