

This was published 4 years ago

Virgin boss accuses Qantas of spreading misinformation and rumours

By Kylar Loussikian and Patrick Hatch

Virgin Australia chief Paul Scurrah has accused rival Qantas of spreading misinformation about Virgin's financial viability and starting a rumour that it was about to appoint administrators.

The accusation is contained in a letter sent by the airline's chief executive, Paul Scurrah, to the competition regulator on Sunday and obtained by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Paul Scurrah, CEO of Virgin Australia, has complained to the ACCC over Qantas' behaviour.

Paul Scurrah, CEO of Virgin Australia, has complained to the ACCC over Qantas' behaviour.Credit: Peter Braig

Mr Scurrah told Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims that Qantas' conduct "could cause immediate and irreparable damage to a competitive Australian air passenger transport industry".

"Virgin Australia has seen widespread reporting of public comments from Qantas and its executive team questioning directly or indirectly Virgin Australia's financial viability and encouraging [the] government to refrain from extending any government support for the aviation industry to Virgin Australia," Mr Scurrah wrote.

"We have received reports of Qantas briefing journalists on the false pretence that Virgin Australia cash reserves are running out within days and that Virgin Australia has appointed administrators.

"We are aware of social media reports that Qantas has sought to promote a campaign that the government exclude Virgin Australia from any COVID-19 financial support package and have urged their staff to write to their local Member of Parliament to support this exclusion," the letter reads.

"We are gathering together a range of examples of this conduct to send to you."

Tight restrictions on domestic and international travel put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in recent weeks have had a major impact on the country's airlines. Qantas and Virgin Australia have stood down most of their staff while Regional Express has stopped almost all flights.

The pandemic, which has led to concerns about the financial viability of both major airlines and the travel industry, pushed the Morrison government into announcing a $715 million relief package for the industry last week. Those measures include waiving fuel excise and other fees.


Last week, capital markets columns in The Australian and The Australian Financial Review published suggestions that Virgin Australia could call in restructuring or insolvency experts.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said on Friday that it would be "completely unfair" for financial assistance to be given to one company over another. Mr Joyce told Sky News Australia that the government should not “look after the badly managed companies, that have been badly managed for 10 years”.

He later told staff, on a conference call, that "governments are definitely not there to support a company that’s owned by Singaporeans, Chinese, Abu Dhabi and a British billionaire". Virgin Australia's largest shareholders include Singapore Airlines, China's HNA Group, Etihad and Richard Branson.

ACCC chairman Rod Sims confirmed he would investigate Virgin’s complaint but said it was too early to comment on its merit.

But the competition tsar did say he was “surprised and disappointed” by Mr Joyce’s “very unhelpful” comments about Qantas' competitor.

“The comments suggested ‘survival of the fittest’, and all the talk about bailout wasn’t helpful at a time when we’ve got this crisis and we’re all trying to get out of it,” Mr Sims said.

Mr Sims said Australia had to do what it could to make it through the coronavirus crisis with the economy and structure of the economy intact.

“We went into this crisis with two full-service airlines and we need to come out of this crisis with two full-service airlines,” he said.

A Qantas spokesman said the airline was not the source of media speculation about Virgin’s future, and nor had it behaved anti-competitively by calling for any government support to be shared equally between carriers.

“We’ve been very candid in our assessment of what’s happening to airlines around the world and the fact we’re determined to be different,” he said. “Saying you want to survive is not anti-competitive.”

Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers’ Association federal secretary Steven Purvinas, whose union has members at both airlines, said Qantas was trying to take advantage of the crisis.

“We cannot afford for Virgin to fail – there are too many jobs at stake,” he said.

“It’s a bit disingenuous of Qantas to be saying Virgin should not get government assistance knowing full well the government would never let Qantas collapse.”

Virgin Australia declined to comment. Guardian Australia first reported Mr Scurrah had written to the ACCC on Monday evening, although the contents of the complaint have not previously been published.

'Undermine confidence'


In the letter to Mr Sims, Mr Scurrah wrote that the "natural and immediate effect of such a campaign in and of itself, in the current environment, is to dramatically undermine consumer confidence in Virgin Australia".

"It is difficult to avoid a conclusion that such a strategically targeted campaign undertaken by Australia's dominant airline would not have that intended purpose — although I appreciate that would be a matter for the ACCC to investigate and determine for itself," he wrote.

"I understand that you personally argued the case for an enhanced ... competition law prohibition on companies with substantial market power engaging in any form of conduct that would be likely to substantially lessen competition. This appears to be a textbook example."

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