

This was published 4 years ago


Virgin Australia needs a government lifeline to survive

When Richard Branson was asked about helping Virgin Australia, his response was along the lines of: “I’ve got the COVID-19 portfolio from hell.”

His investment portfolio includes a stake in Virgin Australia, 51 per cent of Virgin Atlantic Airways, a string of gyms and his ill-fated foray into cruises, which was supposed to launch an adult only cruise ship Scarlet Lady on April 1.

Virgin said its proposal was "necessary for the industry if this crisis continues indefinitely".

Virgin said its proposal was "necessary for the industry if this crisis continues indefinitely". Credit: Bloomberg

Put simply, his portfolio has been smashed. But that doesn’t mean he won’t come to the party if required.

In Australia, Virgin has been battling the fallout of a high-level leak that it wants the government to loan it $1.4 billion in a subordinated convertible note.

The leak has created uncertainty among customers, which has in turn put pressure on the airline at the worst possible time. It's the reason why Virgin needs certainty from the government to instil confidence in the market, quell customer uncertainty and avoid a run.

In the meantime, it has set up a data room and is looking at a recapitalisation of the business.

Paul Scurrah, CEO of Virgin Australiia.

Paul Scurrah, CEO of Virgin Australiia. Credit: Peter Braig

High net wealth individuals, private equity and super funds are some of the parties have been approached to gauge their appetite to take part in a debt restructure. Existing shareholders would be invited to take part or have their equity diluted.

The pitch is that the airline would make some massive cost reductions and reshape the business.


If the government gave it a bridging loan, it would inspire confidence that a recapitalisation will work.

But the prospect of a government loan became steeped in politics when Qantas raised the stakes and demanded a $4.2 billion loan to level the playing field. This is despite Qantas saying it didn’t need any help and that it still intended to pay its shareholders a dividend.

Indeed, at a time when the government is calling for Team Australia, the aviation sector has turned into one of the ugliest and dirtiest dogfights, which has prompted a probe by the competition and corporate regulators into Qantas’ behaviour.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is examining whether Qantas breached the law and engaged in false or misleading statements about Virgin, which could have influenced moves in the share prices of both airlines. Meanwhile, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is following up on a complaint made by Virgin boss Paul Scurrah that Qantas had spread rumours to the media that the airline was running out of cash and had appointed Korda Mentha as its administrators.

Qantas denies the allegations. But some of the comments made by Qantas in the past few weeks have been described by business leaders who asked for their identity not to be revealed, as “unedifying,” “shrill” and “crass”. They were referring to comments that the government shouldn’t have to help companies that had been poorly managed as well as reports that Qantas staff were told on a conference call, that "governments are definitely not there to support a company that’s owned by Singaporeans, Chinese, Abu Dhabi and a British billionaire". Virgin’s shareholders include Singapore Airlines, China's HNA Group, and Nanshan Group, Etihad and Branson.

Scurrah played down the comments at the time and said "We all need to remember we’re in a national crisis and now is not the time for rivalry... this is not a game of Survivor. It’s a global pandemic creating unprecedented challenges that require unprecedented decisions."

But these are not ordinary times. A doubling of unemployment benefits, wage subsidies for millions of stood down workers, small business lifelines, free child care and a mandatory code for commercial landlords and tenants in financial distress. Australia’s financial system is in uncharted territory.

Consultants, including the Centre for Aviation (CAPA), predict that by the end of May most airlines will be bankrupt without coordinated government and industry intervention.

It is why the US, New Zealand and Singapore governments have already come to the party. Air New Zealand was recently crowned airline of the year yet it was one of the first airlines to receive assistance.


Even before the crisis the government has intervened in specific projects and industries that could arguably have been left to the private sector. They include the NBN, Westconnex receiving federal concessional funding in the form of a subordinated loan (Coalition) and various ideas about a government funded coal fired power station in Queensland.

The clock is ticking. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced on Friday that global passenger traffic data for February recorded a 14 per cent slump in demand, which was the steepest decline in traffic since the 9/11 terrorism attack. Carriers in Asia Pacific the slump was 41 per cent. “Without a doubt this is the biggest crisis that the industry has ever faced,” IATA said in a statement.

It estimated that airlines could burn up to $61 billion of cash reserves in the three months to June 30. “Air transport will play a much-needed role in supporting the inevitable recovery. But without additional government action today, the industry will not be in a position to help when skies are brighter tomorrow,” IATA boss Alexandre de Juniac warned.


The IATA is right. Aviation underpins the travel and tourism sector and when the Morrison government is ready to return the economy to normality after a period of hibernation, the airline industry needs to be intact.

To put it into perspective, tourism is Australia’s fourth biggest export industry, it employs more than 666,000 workers and in the year to June 2019 domestic and international tourism spending totalled $122 billion.

But it is a brutal business. Aviation requires substantial capital investment and even when planes are grounded and workers stood down, they still need to be serviced.

It is why rumours that if Virgin collapses a new player such as Ryanair will step in is nonsense. For starters, if Ryanair could afford to enter the Australian market, it is a low-cost carrier and it would therefore be competing with Jetstar not Virgin, which is a full service carrier.


Anyone trying to compare Virgin to Ansett in the 2000s is wrong. Virgin had already entered the Australian market when Ansett collapsed and even then it took it a decade to build its fleet of aircraft. Turning into a full-service carrier to seriously compete against Qantas took even longer and the result has been lower air tickets, better service, more frequent flying and greater support for the tourism industry.

The federal government offered the airline industry a $715 million rescue package a few weeks ago but with most aircraft now grounded it isn’t a huge help. Meanwhile, the wage subsidy will also help the airline, travel and tourism sector, but it won’t be enough to offset little or no revenue.

That's why the government needs to step in.

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