It's been seven years since Steve and Jenni Jory can remember business being good. Not great. Not amazing. Just good.
Tucked just behind the foreshore in the remote New South Wales town of Merimbula, the two have run their fashion boutique Enhance U for more than 18 years, catering to about 3,500 townsfolk and – in summer – thousands of tourists.
Smoke over Merimbula's foreshore. The town's residents and retailers have suffered heavily through the recent bushfires.Credit: James Brickwood
This year, devastating bushfires have destroyed lives and decimated tourist trade, and have followed years and years of poor trading.
To Steve, who lost his family home in last year's fires, it's looking like the end for some of the town's once-thriving community of shopkeepers.
"It was a struggle up to this point already, so this will just be the nail in the coffin for a lot of businesses," Jory says.
The pressures and challenges facing Australia's retailers have been well-documented. Consumer confidence and spending have hit recession levels, companies are closing stores by the hundreds, and shoppers are choosing to save, not spend, government stimuli.
The total loss, it's just a bit too hard to fathom at the moment.
Merimbula retailer Steve Jory
Now with bushfires and drought ravaging much of the country, it's emerging as a perfect storm battering the country's merchants, with smaller sellers taking the worst hits.
Jory says empty store fronts have become a common sight in Merimbula and surrounding towns, with the local saying he believes it has become "simply too hard" for some local sellers to continue.
"I'm not confident about the future of the retail industry, considering how many empty shops are in the area. For people on the edge it's just another reason to give up."
It's difficult to track down exactly why regional retail is in the doldrums, with some pointing to macro issues, such as low wage growth, and an expansion of capital cities as contributing factors.
An empty shopfront in Merimbula, NSW.Credit: Jenni Jory
Jory believes he can pinpoint the decline to the rise of online retail, saying it not only undercut their already thin margins but also made shoppers lazier, even in smaller towns.
"It just made it easier for them to not go shopping. But it wasn't just that, all of our suppliers became our competitors overnight because they started selling online," he said.
"So it was a double-whammy."
But behind these top-level issues lurks the contractually bound burn of retail leases.
Ask any shopkeeper what their biggest costs are and the answer will likely be rents, followed by wages. And while hours can be trimmed back or reshuffled, landlords are fundamentally reticent when it comes to renegotiating leases.
But with major players such as Harris Scarfe, Jeanswest, Bardot and Bose shuttering sites across the country, there are indications landlords are starting to get spooked.
Graham Terry, managing director of regional retail property company Retpro, says the retail downturn had definitely put pressure on rents in all shopping centres.
Retpro, which manages about 25 regional and sub-regional shopping centres across the country, has seen an increase in the number of lease holdovers, where tenants end a lease and don't immediately sign on to a new one.
Tenants in regional shopping centres are often reliant on big-name tenants to draw in shoppers.
"I think its a bit more challenging now than it has been in the past. Any centre with a major fashion component is under more pressure than non-discretionary retailers," he says.
While companies, jobs, landlords and shoppers all suffer from unexpected retail collapses, knock-on effects are also felt by the smaller shopkeepers who share the floorspace with the shuttered stores.
This can cause a domino effect, where those retailers no longer benefit from the incremental foot traffic from shoppers seeking out big-name players.
Anthony Mellowes, chief executive of listed real estate company SCA Property Group, says many smaller players in shopping centres rely heavily on anchor tenants, such as Coles and Woolworths, to fuel their sales, creating a symbiotic relationship between the largest and smaller retailers.
Most of our specialty stores rely on the foot traffic of the supermarkets. So it really depends on how Coles and Woolworths are doing.
SCA chief executive Anthony Mellowes
"Most of our specialty stores rely on the foot traffic of the supermarkets," he says. "The key for them is that everyday spend. So, it really depends on how well Coles and Woolworths are doing."
While this reliance is present at some level for smaller retailers in all shopping centres, the knock-on effects are most heavily felt in regional stores with just one or two anchor tenants.
It's this reason Terry is hopeful there'll be a buyer for Bardot, Jeanswest and Harris Scarfe, noting those stores were a key draw for a lot of shoppers in country towns.
"If there are buyers around, it's business as usual. But if there's not, there's going to be a number of vacancies throughout centres," he says. "And that's a big concern."
With almost all facets of retail painting a bleak picture, it's no wonder German hypermarket Kaufland made the shock decision to evacuate the market last week.
Dubbed as a potential Aldi-like competitor, with potential to accrue $3 billion in market share in just a few years, Kaufland was set to disrupt and refresh the grocery and discretionary goods market with its massive hypermarket stores.
But the significant deterioration in the retail sector since it first announced its launch in 2017 is said to be the reason for its swift exit. Now, the 30-odd sites set to launch around the country will go unbuilt, news which has prompted a sigh of relief from the country's small-town retailers.
Mornington Chamber of Commerce president Alice Dawkins successfully spearheaded a community campaign against a Kaufland store in the area, backed by the region's small business owners. She thinks while Kaufland's exit will be bad for some suburbs, it will be a win for many small operators.
"Small retailers just can't compete with these big companies so, for them, a huge company like Kaufland not coming is a good thing," she says.
"If people want to keep small businesses going, if they want to know the person they're buying their fruit and bread off, then we all need to say 'no' to these big megastores."
For Jory, he thinks his store will survive to trade again next summer, but he implores people to think local when they go to the shops and to make an effort to visit bushfire-affected towns.
"It's really up to the ethics of people to think about what they buy and who they support. Just shop local as much as you can."