

This was published 9 years ago

Like it or not, we're moving into a world of greater tax transparency, not less

By Nassim Khadem

The arguments put forward by some in business and the Coalition government about why large private companies shouldn't have their tax details published by the Australian Taxation Office have become more sophisticated.

That doesn't necessarily make them legitimate.

Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting would be among a number of private companies that would have to publicly report their tax information, unless the laws are wound back by the Coalition government.

Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting would be among a number of private companies that would have to publicly report their tax information, unless the laws are wound back by the Coalition government.Credit: Bloomberg

Under tax disclosure laws – passed under the former Labor government but voted against by several Coalition ministers – Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan was required to publish on its website the tax details of about 1600 public and private companies with $100 million or more annual turnover.

The laws affected public multinationals and private businesses such as those run by billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart. It would have given details including a company's taxable income, total income and tax paid.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

But the Coalition – which has faced constant lobbying from those in business and tax circles – has decided this is a bad idea. It has passed amendments to the laws that will exempt about 800 private companies.

How and why did we get here? The first sign that these laws were going to be wound back came in January last year, when the then assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos expressed concern that it would mislead and prevent the public from being well informed.

Then in March, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the reason they were reviewing the laws was because private business owners were worried they could be kidnapped and held at ransom when people realise how wealthy they are from their published tax information.

There was of course no evidence to back that extraordinary claim, and the Australian Federal Police had not been told of these security concerns.


That same month, when Josh Frydenberg was assistant treasurer, the public started being fed new arguments about why public companies should be exempt.

These included that companies would be at a "commercial disadvantage" if they happened to be suppliers to the big supermarket chains like Coles and Woolworths, or were negotiating with them.

That publication of company directors' name and addresses would breach people's privacy.

And finally, that there was no public interest benefit, that such information could mislead the public, and create unnecessary compliance costs for business.

These arguments, on first glance, are more understandable than the ridiculous one that the wealthy will be subject to kidnapping.

While it managed to confuse some independent senators such as Nick Xenophon as to how they should vote, the case to wind back the laws still doesn't stack up.

Firstly, we are not talking about small fish here. The laws would only affect companies with revenue of $100 million or more. Apart from Gina Rinehart's business, companies like James Packer's Consolidated Press Holdings and Adelaide Airport would be among those required to report.

This legislation would not give Coles and Woolworths, or any other large player, more information than they already have.

Secondly, personal information about company directors is already a matter of public record. Sole owners of businesses can currently be identified through ASIC searches – just ask one of the journalists compiling the BRW rich lists.

And finally, it's not misleading to know how much tax multinationals pay. Telling the public they are too stupid to understand tax information is offensive: the Senate economics legislation committee cited a "poor understanding" of the difference between turnover and taxable income as one of the "strong reasons" to wind back the transparency measures.

We are moving into a world of greater tax transparency, not less. In Europe and Canada, extractive companies are already being required to publicly reveal their tax information.

A dissenting report by Labor senators and the Australian Greens on the government's proposed amendments says that introducing this law will erode public confidence, and that "the arguments being wielded clumsily in defence of this bill are absurd, illogical, and often lacking any evidence".

"The government is evidently doing the bidding of a tiny number of very wealthy individuals," it says, adding that the bulk of submissions to the inquiry were made by tax consultants and tax lawyers servicing large private companies. The only corporation to make a contribution was Teys Australia, it said, a privately owned meat-processing joint venture with the American company Cargill, based in Brisbane.

The dissenting report also points out that the individual's right to privacy of their income and tax information remains preserved under current legislation, and that "corporations do not enjoy the rights and privileges of natural people".

The government had tried to make out as if it was a breach of a UN covenant drafted back in 1966 that aimed to prevent governments arbitrarily or unlawfully invading the privacy of people's homes and bedrooms.

As Parliament debated privacy concerns, Australia's biggest public companies are gearing up to launch their own reports detailing how they are good taxpayers.

BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto publish voluntary reports. While this is more than most other companies do, BHP is not a beacon of transparency. It had avoided answering detailed questions at the Melbourne hearing of the inquiry into corporate tax avoidance on the amount of profit it shifts through Singapore.

It was only until the inquiry forced it to make a written submission that BHP Billiton revealed that the ATO is chasing it for $500 million in unpaid taxes and fines and that it pays no Australian tax on the 42 per cent of its profit channelled through Singapore.

It may be the case that large private companies have legitimate operations in places like Singapore and that they pay the right amount of tax in Australia.

But how will we ever know now that these companies aren't expected to report it?

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