

This was published 9 years ago

Fears of kidnapping prompt government review of tax disclosure laws

By Nassim Khadem

The Abbott government is considering changing tax disclosure laws after complaints by private business owners that they could be kidnapped and held at ransom when people realise how wealthy they are from their published tax information.

Under the existing tax transparency laws – which passed under the former Labor government but that Coalition ministers including Treasurer Joe Hockey voted against – Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan would from July begin publishing the tax details of about 1600 public and private companies with $100 million or more annual turnover.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan: Transparency laws, whereby the tax details of about 1600 companies would be published by the Commissioner, may be changed due to fears of kidnappings.

Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan: Transparency laws, whereby the tax details of about 1600 companies would be published by the Commissioner, may be changed due to fears of kidnappings.Credit: Bohdan Warchomij

This would include tax information on private companies controlled by billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart, and could also expose other wealthy individuals who do not appear on rich lists such as the BRW Rich 200.

The laws, which would see Australian companies' taxable income, total income and tax paid for the 2013-14 financial year published publicly, have been opposed by some privacy groups that say protection of individual privacy is paramount and would be eroded if the information gets published

"Reviewing the privacy concerns raised": Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.

"Reviewing the privacy concerns raised": Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.Credit: Christopher Pearce

Some private business owners, via their tax advisers, have complained to the government that they fear it could increase the risk of them being kidnapped and held for ransom. Sole owners of businesses can be identified through ASIC searches.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told Fairfax Media that these issues had been raised with the government and "we are currently reviewing the privacy concerns raised".

Senator Cormann said the tax transparency laws, pushed through by former treasurer Wayne Swan, showed "a ham-fisted, ill-thought-out approach trying to crack a nut with a sledgehammer".

Treasurer Joe Hockey voted against the laws when in opposition. In June last year, when they were being pushed through parliament, Mr Hockey said he had "deep concerns" and the Coalition would not support publishing information that could be "reasonably attributed to a single person".


As the government looks into the privacy concerns, Australia's biggest public companies are gearing up to launch public reports detailing how they are good taxpayers. Fairfax Media understands Australia's big four banks are among a raft of companies working with their internal communications staff to voluntarily launch reports about taxes paid.

Tax advisers and businesses have for months been lobbying the Abbott government for a change. Some want the laws amended so it exempts private businesses, while others want it completely scrapped.

The laws would potentially mislead the public about a company's true tax picture. "It captures the innocent because the net's so broad," Mr Friezer said. "It's open to misinterpretation."

EY tax adviser Glenn Williams expressed concern that the laws did not include information on net profit, saying absence of such data could end up confusing the public.

Mr Williams said that was why chief executives of publicly listed companies were now having boardroom discussions about how to voluntarily present "in straightforward language" an accurate picture of their tax affairs to the public. "The conversation has moved from, 'should we report', to 'what form should it take'," he said.

Deloitte tax partner David Watkins said the big-four accounting firms were assisting the leaders of publicly listed companies and their public relations teams on how to present a more accurate picture of taxes paid, before what would be publicly published. "An Australian listed company may not have paid tax because it did not make profits," Mr Watkins said. Nevertheless companies would now be forced to be more transparent, he said.

At present only two Australian companies, miners Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, voluntarily publish reports about how much tax they pay in Australia and around the world.

The tax laws would not have an impact on United States technology companies such as Apple and Google, which have copped the bulk of criticism against multinationals who profit shift, as they are headquartered outside Australia. While the OECD is against publishing tax information publicly, some European countries require certain companies to make their tax information public.

Labor Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh last week put forward a private members bill to move forward the publication date of tax information by one year, meaning taxes paid in financial year 2012-13 would be outed immediately. But the government ignored the bill.

The government's review of the laws follows previous suggestions from Coalition ministers that the laws may be scrapped. In January, then Liberal assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos said it would mislead and prevent the public from being well informed.

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