

This was published 2 years ago

Talks for merger of energy and transport union super funds collapse

By Nick Bonyhady and Charlotte Grieve

Merger talks between transport industry super fund TWUSUPER and troubled EISS Super have collapsed, despite six months of due diligence following an expenses crisis and a raft of board resignations at the energy fund.

The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald reported in April the two industry super funds were in high-level discussions to roll their operations into a joint $11 billion fund. Sources at the time raised fears that progress could be hampered by union conflicts.

The transport workers’ fund suggested on Thursday it called off the merger because it was not in the best interests of its members.

A merger between TWUSUPER and EISS has collapsed.

A merger between TWUSUPER and EISS has collapsed. Credit:

“TWUSUPER’s motivation in entering merger discussions with EISS was the potential benefit members of both funds would achieve from greater scale,” said a spokesman for the fund, which is named after the Transport Workers Union. “We also felt EISS members would benefit from TWUSUPER’s strong investment performance.”

“Following extensive due diligence TWUSUPER will not proceed with a merger with EISS at this time. Any merger must be in members’ best interest. TWUSUPER is now pursuing other growth options.”

However, the energy workers’ super fund also said its board had decided to review the merger.

“In mid-September, the EISS board made a decision to place the merger with TWUSUPER on hold while it reviewed EISS’ broader merger strategy,” a spokesman said.

“EISS remains committed to pursuing a merger that is in the best financial interests of our members and are actively exploring a range of merger opportunities.”

Both funds are relatively small superannuation funds managing around $5.5 billion each. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has ramped up pressure on smaller funds, especially underperformers, to merge. EISS was named one of the country’s 13 worst performing super funds by APRA last month.


The collapsed negotiations follow the abrupt resignation of the energy fund’s chief executive, chair and three directors last month amid allegations the fund excessively spent members’ money on staff parties, overseas junkets and questionable sponsorship deals.

Next stop Cbus?

One union insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity, suggested EISS would now look to merge with the giant and high performing $60 billion construction super fund Cbus.

Cbus represents many Electrical Trades Union members in other states and, unlike TWUSUPER, is linked with unions that are in the nationally left faction of the labour movement like the ETU rather than the Transport Workers Union, which is closer to the right.

A whistleblower contacted Liberal MP Jason Falinski on Monday to claim that the Electrical Trades Union had tried to “strong arm” the EISS board into merging with Cbus.

The ETU has two directors on the EISS board, including chair Peter Tighe, a former ETU national secretary.

A spokeswoman for Cbus said: “We never comment on merger discussions.”

‘Debates and fights’

Separately, the union insider told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age that Allen Hicks, who has been the ETU’s national secretary since 2013 but only became NSW secretary this year, had long wanted the NSW branch to direct its members to Cbus rather than EISS. “It was a point of a lot of debates and fights, to be honest,” the insider said.

Through a spokeswoman, Mr Hicks declined to comment. Under his predecessor in the NSW branch, Justin Page, the ETU was on the right.

Other labour movement sources said the merger decisions were not related to factional politics because boards are quarantined from those matters and act only in members’ interests.

EISS had devoted significant resources to finalising the deal with the transport workers’ fund in recent months, hiring a senior project manager in August to oversee a team of four. Its legal team had also been instructed to examine marketing contracts for legal problems associated with a name change in the event of a merger.

EISS spent $3 million on a marketing deal with the NRL signed in October last year and $450,000 last financial year on community engagement deals, where sponsorship funds are exchanged for brand promotion.

Former chair Warren Mundy sent a letter to staff in September claiming he was confident the merger with the transport workers’ fund would be completed, largely thanks to former chief executive Alex Hutchison.

“Alex championed the merger with TWUSuper from the beginning and I know there is nothing he would want more than to see the merger finalised because it was in the best interests of members,” the letter said. “I have every confidence that EISS Super’s highly dedicated team are more than capable of successfully completing the merger with TWU Super.”

Naming competition

Mr Hutchison was a strong advocate of the merger and blamed a “calculated smear campaign” for his resignation last month. EISS staff were assured the tie-up would eventuate and in June, there was an internal competition for employees to nominate a name for the merged entity.


“They’d been telling staff for months how it was going to happen, due diligence going well, something to be signed this November, with a transition to it all being finalised in March/April,” said one source, who could not be named because they were not authorised to speak publicly.

Mr Tighe, the newly appointed EISS chair, told a parliamentary committee on Monday the fund was seeking to merge with a partner that had members of a similar age and occupation, but conceded the TWUSUPER deal was not certain.

“We believed moving into a larger fund would in fact ... collectively we’d be able to grow,” he said. “At the present time though, we are re-evaluating our position in relation to the merger.”

EISS was hauled in front of the House of Representatives economics committee on Monday to answer questions about its expenses and other relevant matters, after former chair Tim Wilson described EISS’s spending as “verging on corruption” following allegations published in this masthead.

Labor MP Andrew Leigh, who is interim chair after Mr Wilson took another role in government, asked whether EISS had considered merging with Cbus.

“Of course when we looked at a strategy for a merger we looked at the superannuation sector right across the board,” Mr Tighe said.

“We develop a filter for funds based on demographics, the industries they operate, whether they’re largely blue collar or white collar, whether they provide the same sort of services we provide,” he explained. “We also look at their performance and where they invest and the structure and how they’re rated as a super fund compared to their peers. All of those things are considered when we make a decision.”

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