

This was published 3 years ago

$11 billion super merger on the cards amid union turmoil

By Nick Bonyhady and Charlotte Grieve

Two industry superannuation schemes for electricians and transport workers are in talks to merge into an $11 billion fund, but a factional battle to control one of the linked unions could affect who gets to decide where the money ends up.

The super industry regulator is piling pressure on less efficient funds to scale up and help their members retire with more money through achieving economies of scale and reducing fees.

Union sources, who spoke anonymously because they were not authorised to discuss the negotiations, described formal discussions between the Electrical Industry Superannuation Scheme and TWUSUPER, which both had about $5.6 billion under management in their last annual report.

ETU NSW secretary Justin Page (right) is expected by union insiders to formally resign as soon as Monday night.

ETU NSW secretary Justin Page (right) is expected by union insiders to formally resign as soon as Monday night.Credit: Louise Kennerley

But the negotiations between the two funds, both linked to right-aligned union branches, face a potential hurdle as left wing unionists close in on control of the Electrical Trades Union NSW branch.

An EISS spokeswoman said any merger decisions would be based on its members’ interests.

“A merger has been part of our strategy for many years,” the spokeswoman said. “We have an obligation to our members, just like every other fund, to consider the benefits of potential mergers.”

The NSW ETU branch, which is the only right wing branch of a nationally left wing union, appoints two people to the EISS board.

ETU NSW secretary Justin Page has stepped down and left-aligned national secretary, Allen Hicks, is acting in the role after what several people familiar with the union’s affairs said was pressure from the union’s organisers for Mr Page to leave. They said Mr Page was otherwise highly regarded.

Other divisions of the union, including the Victorian branch, direct their members’ retirement funds to the giant $60 billion construction superannuation fund Cbus.


Several union figures familiar with the talks, who declined to speak on record because they were not authorised to speak publicly, said there was a fear Mr Hicks would not favour the TWUSUPER-EISS merger.


An ETU spokesman said the union would not comment on internal deliberations. “Nor does it respond to inaccurate speculation from anonymous, unverified sources,” the spokesman said. “Matters regarding superannuation funds are most appropriately directed to those organisations.”

Mr Page did not return calls and texts. The other ETU representative on the EISS board, Matthew McCann said “I’m not going to make any comment about anything”.

A TWUSUPER spokesman said it would not comment on speculation.

Superannuation board members are required to act in the interests of fund members, rather than union or other interests, and there is no guarantee Mr Hicks would actually oppose a merger if it was formally proposed or have the numbers to block it.

One superannuation trustee from a fund that is not involved in the talks, who spoke anonymously to discuss the industry freely, said the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority had lagged but was stepping up pressure on smaller funds to merge.

“If I’d been the APRA commissioner, I would have [said] what the f--k are you doing? You can’t serve members’ best interests for $5 billion,” the source said. “[Bigger funds] get scale, you get fee reductions ... but these people running $5 billion funds. It’s a joke to be honest.”

The two funds would need to undergo extensive due diligence to ensure the merger would be in the best interests of both funds’ members, by examining the potential impact on fees, returns and insurance arrangements.

Members do not have to approve a fund merger so these due diligence negotiations are often extensive and costly for the funds involved.

A Cbus spokeswoman said: “We never comment on merger discussions”.

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