‘This is hope. This is me’: Kellie announces new chapter in life
Kellie Finlayson – cancer survivor and wife of AFL star Jeremy Finlayson – has announced a major new career move.
Kellie Finlayson – cancer survivor and wife of AFL star Jeremy Finlayson – has announced a major new career move.
Australia’s only maker of architectural glass, Oceania Glass, has been placed in administration with 260 jobs on the line less than a year after warning China was dumping cheap products here.
Year 12 student Amy Wallace advocated for increased understanding of the benefits of AI in the classroom in her application for Teen parliament 2025. Apply here.
Bad public housing tenants will be hit with a new anti-social behaviour crackdown as the state’s biggest landlord moves to clean up taxpayer-funded homes.
Men with eating disorders numbers are on the rises and a recovered patient wants to break the stigma surrounding the problem.
Shark sightings are way up from last year, according to official figures. But at which SA beach are they spotted the most – and should you be worried?
The chief executive of a prominent SA charity says harassment from a small group of locals has led to a lack of volunteers.
Roads are closed as SA Police investigate a serious crash involving a car and a motorcyclist.
Multiple unexpected tragedies led Lizzy to this Adelaide library – which is now opening up its doors in a way the city’s never seen.
A man has faced court charged with blackmail after another man was allegedly shot and stabbed outside his home.
Fresh images of a huge $150m development have been revealed for a booming town north of Adelaide, featuring the likely largest Drakes in SA.
Odetta Maxwell, 25, will never meet her sister’s new child – all because of one moment on our roads. Here, her family pleads for change.
A temporary disruption to SA Health’s pathology information system has left medical staff without key test results, while officials work urgently to resolve the issue.
The opposition is calling for boosted police presence at shopping centres after new data revealed how frequently officers are being called out to major centres. Have your say.
Original URL: https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/south-australia/page/198