
Patricia Parrilla Herraiz fined for teaching unregistered at Yipirinya School

A Red Centre schoolteacher – who taught unregistered for a year – has been fined, despite her claims she had sought the assistance of the principal multiple times, a court has heard.

Patricia Parrilla Herraiz leaves Alice Springs Local Court with her partner on June 13, 2024. Picture: Gera Kazakov
Patricia Parrilla Herraiz leaves Alice Springs Local Court with her partner on June 13, 2024. Picture: Gera Kazakov

A Red Centre teacher, who was teaching unregistered, has been fined for the misdemeanour – despite her raising the issue with her boss a number of times while she was employed at the school, a court has heard.

Patricia Parilla Herraiz was again before Judge David Bamber at Alice Springs Local Court on Wednesday, June 19, where she pleaded guilty to teaching unregistered at Yipirinya School in 2023.

Defending herself, Herraiz was given a $100 fine with no conviction recorded.

The court heard an anonymous tip-off had alerted authorities that Herraiz was teaching unregistered, and she has since resigned from Yipirinya.

Originally from Spain, Herraiz said she had “limited knowledge” of administrative requirements in the Territory, and had requested assistance from Yipirinya School Principal Gavin Morris to get registered.

“Prior to commencing work as a classroom teacher, I emailed the principal Mr Gavin Morris inquiring about the requirements for me becoming registered in the Northern Territory.

“We subsequently met and (sic) was advised by Mr Morris that he will take care of the administrative arrangements and that I could commence teaching at Yipirinya.”

Herraiz said once she was aware she was teaching unregistered, she asked for Morris’ assistance “on several occasions” to make an application to get registered.

Yipirinya School principal Gavin Morris leaves Alice Springs Local Court with lawyer John Stirk after pleading guilty to employing unregistered teachers on May 15 2024.
Yipirinya School principal Gavin Morris leaves Alice Springs Local Court with lawyer John Stirk after pleading guilty to employing unregistered teachers on May 15 2024.

She said she finally got her teachers registration after she changed schools to Bradshaw Primary School – where she is now employed.

Reading out the statement of facts, prosecutor John Bortoli said Morris had hired Herriaz knowing she was unregistered – but had made indications that he would help her become registered.

“When she applied for the role, Mr Morris interviewed her,” Mr Bortoli said.

“There was a discussion with Mr Morris about starting her up as an assistant teacher, but she instead started teaching straight away.

“Mr Morris told her it was OK for her to teach, despite them being aware she did not have the qualification or registration.”

There were also discussions that another qualified teacher would be supporting Herraiz when she began, according to Mr Bortoli.

“However, that classroom teacher did not teach with the defendant, but rather had her own classroom.”

Morris was fined $4700 for employing two unregistered teachers in May.

The court heard the other teacher who was employed unregistered, Shihab Abdul Rahman, was also fined $100 with no conviction recorded.

Mr Bortoli said in the last three to four years there had been “around 20 prosecutions of this nature.”

“Generally, people have forgotten to renew their registration,” he said.

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