

Palmerston College: Parents of gang bashed boy take matters into own hands amid police delays

“I know they won’t stop”: The parents of a Palmerston College boy who was bashed by a group of youths at the bus exchange, one of whom pulled a knife, have taken the investigation into their own hands.

Palmerston College student set upon by group

The parents of a Palmerston College boy who was set upon by a group of students at the bus exchange, one of whom pulled a knife, have taken the investigation into their own hands after they were told by police there were 39 pending cases in line before their son’s.

Palmerston residents Josh and Wendy – not their real names – told the NT News their 14-year-old son was left “shaking” after being assaulted and chased by a large group of youths including students from Palmerston and Dripstone Middle School.

The assault occurred near Palmerston Bus Exchange after school on March 25.

It was the first day Josh and Wendy’s son had caught the bus from school.

Their son gamely fended off the initial attacker, a Palmerston student, but he was then set upon by a group of at least four, who enveloped him in blows as he staggered.

He was then chased by the group, one of the students appearing to produce a knife, which was captured by mobile footage obtained by the hounded boy’s parents.

They say a pair of scissors was also brandished.

A glass bottle was also thrown in his wake.

Four youths attack a 14-year-old Palmerston College student near Palmerston bus terminal, March 25, 2024. Picture: Supplied
Four youths attack a 14-year-old Palmerston College student near Palmerston bus terminal, March 25, 2024. Picture: Supplied

Wendy said her son was only saved from serious injury when a concerned bystander let the fleeing boy into her vehicle.

“He was shaking when I picked him up,” Wendy said.

Despite turning to both the school and NT Police for assistance, they feel impotent at the assistance they have received thus far.

Josh and Wendy say two of the Palmerston students that attacked their son were suspended for a week and a “safety plan” has been implemented to protect their son, but in reality the plan has been hot air.

“[At my son’s] first day back at school on Tuesday, he received a threat he was going to be killed,” she said.

A 14-year-old Palmerston College student flees as a glass bottle is launched in his direction near Palmerston Bus Terminal, March 24, 2024. Picture: Supplied
A 14-year-old Palmerston College student flees as a glass bottle is launched in his direction near Palmerston Bus Terminal, March 24, 2024. Picture: Supplied

“[On Thursday], he received another warning from a person.

“The school went into safety mode and I had to go pick him up from school.

“We have filled out an application for another school.

“Yesterday he was very shaken.”

The day after the assault, the 14-year-old’s parents attended Palmerston Police Station to make a complaint.

A screenshot capturing what the parents of a 14-year-old Palmerston College student say is a knife being wielded by students chasing their son near Palmerston Bus Terminal. Picture: Supplied
A screenshot capturing what the parents of a 14-year-old Palmerston College student say is a knife being wielded by students chasing their son near Palmerston Bus Terminal. Picture: Supplied

They say they were told by two officers that there were 39 outstanding cases requiring investigation before they could pick up their son’s assault and threat with a weapon.

They have since taken matters into their own hands, analysing the videos they have been sent, writing up voluminous case notes, and paring down a list of those they believe were involved in the assault.

“I want to go and find these perpetrators and do to them what they did to my son, but I know within society and the laws I can’t do that,” Josh said.

A 14-year-old Palmerston College student slumps as his mum speaks on the phone to Palmerston MLA Marie-Clare Boothby. Their investigation notes are on the table. Picture: Alex Treacy
A 14-year-old Palmerston College student slumps as his mum speaks on the phone to Palmerston MLA Marie-Clare Boothby. Their investigation notes are on the table. Picture: Alex Treacy

“If we can’t get proper answers, we’ll look at getting a lawyer and pushing for attempted manslaughter.”

Wendy said she was consumed by guilt.

“This was the first time he ever caught the bus to the depot, so I am blaming myself; why did I say yes,” she said.

The attack on her son and her belief that the video shows one of the youths arming himself with a knife has taken her mind to a young man just six years older than her son when he lost his life: Declan Laverty.

“It’s now up to police to do their part,” she said.

Josh and Wendy’s 14-year-old son was initially reticent when asked how he was doing by the NT News.

Another screenshot capturing what the parents of a 14-year-old Palmerston College student say is a knife being wielded by a students chasing their son near Palmerston Bus Terminal on the afternoon of March 25, 2024. Picture: Supplied
Another screenshot capturing what the parents of a 14-year-old Palmerston College student say is a knife being wielded by a students chasing their son near Palmerston Bus Terminal on the afternoon of March 25, 2024. Picture: Supplied

“I’m alright,” he said in a quintessentially teenage manner.

But he soon opened up.

“I know they won’t stop,” the boy said of his assailants.

“They’re not going to forget about it.

“They’ll still eventually wait for the time to get me.

The NT News asked NT Police whether the boy’s parents were told there were 39 pending cases before their son’s case could be picked up.

While this question was not directly answered, Senior Sergeant Siiri Tennosaar APM said in a statement police received a report from Rosytonea Ave, Palmerston City, about 3pm on Monday, March 25, which officers attended.

“The incident is currently under investigation with a number of witnesses yet to make statements,” Snr Sgt Tennosaar said.

The NT Department of Education said Palmerston College was aware of the incident.

“Police were notified as per school processes,” a spokeswoman said.

“The matter is being investigated and as per process, and to protect all involved, remains confidential.

“Violence in any form in our schools is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, and is addressed in accordance with the school’s policies and procedures.”

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