
Research finds ways to improve magpie geese management

Research from Charles Darwin University has found ways to improve management of magpie geese to better help mango growers in the NT.

RESEARCH from Charles Darwin University has found ways to improve management of magpie geese to better help mango growers in the NT.

PhD student and environmental science researcher Amélie Corriveau recently completed her research in studying the movements and diet of the magpie goose. The birds are known to feed on mango crops and cause financial losses to farmers.

“The findings showed that the birds were opportunistic and adaptable but also that they used prior knowledge – the same geese did tend to come back every year,” Ms Corriveau said.

“That means that geese are going to be an ongoing challenge from growers, as they can easily locate attractive resources and go back to them.

“They seem to establish within areas where they can have access to shade, water and freshly irrigated grass, which are very attractive in the late dry season.”

Ms Corriveau said farmers could reduce the attractiveness of their farms for geese by using underground irrigation systems or night-time irrigation schedules, minimising available water on farms or removing fruit falls.

“Management needs to be adaptable to how the species behave from one season to another,” Ms Corriveau said.

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