
ICAC Michael Riches defends hiring ex-CLP member Cormac MacCarthy

The Independent Commissioner against Corruption said the staffer had been ‘restricted to access to certain investigations’ after being hired as an operations officer last month.

Michael Riches hired former CLP member Cormac MacCarthy as an operations officer in the middle of last month.
Michael Riches hired former CLP member Cormac MacCarthy as an operations officer in the middle of last month.

The Territory’s corruption watchdog has defended hiring a former political insider to work in his office, saying the one-time Country Liberal would be monitored for “potential conflicts”.

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Michael Riches confirmed he had hired ex-CLP member Cormac MacCarthy as an operations officer in the middle of last month.

But Mr Riches said Mr MacCarthy was “very well qualified for the position” and was up-front about his former political ties which had “ended before he commenced with this office”.

“His present duties relate to the assessment of reports received,” he said.

“He has not, and will not, be allocated any assessment relating to a minister, an MLA or any matter that might involve a political element.

“Mr MacCarthy has not yet been involved in any investigation.

“It follows that he has had no role to play in any investigation of a minister, MLA or any investigation that might be considered to have a political element, nor will he be involved in any such investigation in the future.”

Mr Riches said despite Mr MacCarthy having “had no political engagement since” before he started in the role, he had put in place “mitigation strategies to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest”.

“He has, for example, been restricted to access to certain investigations,” he said.

“That is a standard practice in my office for any staff member where there is the slightest risk of an actual or perceived conflict of interest.

“His manager and director are aware of his previous association with the CLP and will continue to monitor for potential conflicts.

“Again, that is the approach taken in relation to any person who has an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest.

“I am satisfied that appropriate mitigation strategies are in place.”

The commissioner said operations officers “do not make critical decisions on assessments or investigations”.

“The decision as to action to be taken on an assessment, or decisions to commence an investigation, close an investigation, make findings in an investigation, make reports or public statements, or require certain lines of inquiry to be conducted, rests with my delegates or me,” he said.

“Any assertion of political bias would have to be directed toward the delegate who made the decision, or me.”

Mr MacCarthy declined to comment.

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