
Everybody appearing at Maningrida Local Court, Tuesday, July 2

Here is a list of matters listed at Maningrida Local Court on Tuesday.

Australia's Court System

These matters will be heard in Maningrida Local Court today:

Today's court listings are published as part of News Corporation's commitment to public interest journalism and are compiled from information made publicly available by the courts in each State and territory.

The list is a public record of people appearing before the relevant court and there is no suggestion whatsoever of any wrongdoing by anyone named in these lists.

Rhys Abraham Allen


Elisha Ankin

Ankin Shereen

Quentin Bonson

Stephen Bonson

Bonson Shannon

Russell Manyirrwanga Brian

Terrance Bunydjarnga

Venus Cooper

Djorlom Nereus

Ashran Doolan

Quincy Gaykamangu

Malanda Gibson

Gibson Trent

Jason Harrison

Isiah Lanydjura

Cyril Mason

Nelita Mckinnon

Jermaine Mungrinyin

Closier Namundja

Hayden Naragoidj

Barnabus Naroldol

Domonic Naroldol

Nayinggul Conway

Jemma Joyce Numangara

Natasha Pilakui

Michelle Rankine

Gilbert Roy

Hazel Smith

Puddy Smith

Brendan Mululiba Stewart

Algon Taylor

Liam Taylor

Paula Thomas

Carlisha Watson

Larry Wawee

Isiah Williams

Alvin Woods

The previous court list article for Maningrida Local Court can be viewed here.

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