
Bloody idiots aren’t anglers – they’re crocodile bait

THREE fishos who ignored warnings about wading in croc-infested waters just days after a man was taken from his boat.

Cahills Crossing after a Ranger told these people to get off and stop fishing for risk of large crocodiles coming over the crossing at high change of tide.
Cahills Crossing after a Ranger told these people to get off and stop fishing for risk of large crocodiles coming over the crossing at high change of tide.

THREE fishos who ignored warnings about wading in croc-infested waters just days after a man was taken from his boat in the same national park have been described as “stupid” by a witness.

The anglers were caught on camera standing in the middle of the stream and fishing at Cahills Crossing on the East Alligator River in Kakadu on Monday.

It was the same spot where Jabiru store man Kerry McLoughlin, 40, was decapitated by a 5.1m crocodile while also wading in the water on March 17, 1987. Kakadu National Park operations manager Antonio Contarino said “Kakadu is crocodile country and Cahills Crossing is prime crocodile habitat”.

READ: Expert says culling is not the answer as residents question rising Northern Territory crocodile population in wake of fatal attack

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“There are at least half a dozen salties around the crossing at the moment, including a big boss croc of about 4.5m,” Mr Contarino said. “They’re risking their lives ... is it worth it just to land a barra?”

Park rangers can issue on-the-spot fines to people who refuse rangers’ instructions. The maximum penalty if taken to court is $5100.

Jodie, who took the photos of the trio fishing at Cahills Crossing on Monday, said she approached the group and warned them about crocodiles in the area.

“They just went ‘yeah’ and carried on,” she said. “The rangers came and got them out of the water but they came back as soon as the rangers were gone. I couldn’t believe it.”

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