
What you said about cyclists on our roads and who is the ‘most annoying’

Cyclists have always divided opinion when it comes to Aussie roads – but should we cut them some slack?

A person cycling down a canal walkway
A person cycling down a canal walkway

Cyclists are the most annoying people on our roads.

It seems that’s the view of many Aussies, with about 60 per cent nominating those on two wheels as the “most annoying” commuters.

The topic was sparked when News Corp columnist Ann Wason Moore highlighted the apparent entitlement of cyclists.

“You can be in the most beautiful location, in the best mood, with the most perfect conditions, when some knob comes along and ruins it,” she wrote.

“Take my husband, for instance. And no, he is not the knob in question (this time).

“Mr Moore woke up early on Father’s Day, gifting himself with a run on this first perfect morning of spring, with his route taking him along the beachfront stretch of Hedges Ave.

“Running along at pace, basking in both the sun and the glory of being a middle-aged marathon medallist (for participation), his runner’s high crashed as he heard shouting behind him.

Just where cyclists belong remains subject to debate.
Just where cyclists belong remains subject to debate.

“Get off the f***ing road!” yelled the MAMIL on a bike, pointing towards the curb. “FOOTPATH!”

“To be clear, this cyclist did not yell at one runner in the way, but every single sprinter in the vicinity.

“Given it was early, the street was not overly crowded and there was, in fact, room for everyone.”

Cue outrage, as readers piled into the debate that divides the nation.

An online poll had cyclists streets ahead of escooters (27 per cent) when it came to voting for the “most annoying”.

Many readers agreed with the columnist, insisting cyclists are too entitled, or simply shouldn’t even be on the road.

Others disagreed, arguing those in Lycra can’t win no matter where they ride – an argument many agreed with given the apparent hypocrisy over hogging the roads.

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Spot on


Great article. Love your work.

And no! I am not a friend or relo of the writer.

This is just a true and hilarious summation


The rule should be if it is not registered or not carry insurance and the operator is not licensed then they are not allowed on the road.


My personal opinion is if you can’t travel as fast as a car you shouldn’t be on the road.


Bicycle riders will always be abused unless they obey the rules of the road like everyone else Compulsory registration, hi-vis and road rule compliance should be the norm for bikes on the roads with hefty fines for non compliance

Cyclists have rights too!


If it’s for bikes and cars then get off the road if you are not in a car or on a bike. Run up and down the stairs of your Gold Coast high rise instead.

Uncle Bob proud Queensland man

I’m with the cyclist, we all complain when they ride on the footpath. They ride on the cycle path and some dodo jogs in there.


Nearly all the comments on here are about how cyclists should not be on the road … When the article is about a cyclist in a bike lane that was overtaken by runners. The logic?


In Europe they all get on well together it seems in Australia it’s a problem everyone needs to work together not against each other


scary some of the vitriol directed at cyclists here, no wonder so many are injured or killed on our roads. get off the road you yell, yet when cycle lanes are installed drivers still complain. can’t win


It’s the self entitled pedestrians alongside cyclists that leave me gobsmacked.

Cyclists always divide opinion on our roads.
Cyclists always divide opinion on our roads.

Damn cyclists


Self entitled MAMIL cyclists doing ‘hills’, often 2 or 3 abreast, at 20 km/h on narrow roads with poor visibility corners, poor roadside verge surfaces and have speed limits of 80 and 100 km/h are a recipe for disaster.


My opinion of Cyclists and Scooter riders is that they have no value on their own lives. when they must ride on busy roads in peak hour traffic. if they must ride on roads do it in quiet streets in off peak time. Roads are for vehicular traffic. Go to a bike track or a park and enjoy the ride and stay alive.


What about riders expecting right of way at a pedestrian crossing? It’s a pedestrian crossing not a bikers crossing doing 10-25 km per hour! Please

Originally published as What you said about cyclists on our roads and who is the ‘most annoying’

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