
Barkly council CEO Emma Bradbury quits suddenly

The CEO of the beleaguered Barkly council has quit after months of questions about the council’s management, staff exits, and the local mayor slapped with multiple drug driving charges.

Emma Bradbury resigned suddenly last week as Barkly Regional Council CEO.
Emma Bradbury resigned suddenly last week as Barkly Regional Council CEO.

Barkly Regional Council has announced the sudden resignation of CEO Emma Bradbury, after months of questions about the council’s management, a slew of staff resignations, and the local mayor slapped with multiple drug driving charges.

Ms Bradbury took extended leave on February 1, just more than a year after starting the role, and never returned to the job before her exit on Friday.

In a statement, the council, which services Tennant Creek and surrounding areas, thanked Ms Bradbury for her service.

“The council wishes to genuinely express its gratitude to Ms Bradbury for the work she has undertaken over the past year,” the statement said.

“Thanks to her leadership, Barkly Regional Council is now, more than ever before, able to make the most of the opportunities available to it.”

Barkly Regional Council interim CEO Russell Anderson, former CEO Emma Bradbury, Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin and Deputy Mayor Russell O’Donnell. Picture: Supplied.
Barkly Regional Council interim CEO Russell Anderson, former CEO Emma Bradbury, Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin and Deputy Mayor Russell O’Donnell. Picture: Supplied.

Former Victoria Daly Regional Council head Russell Anderson will continue acting as interim CEO while Ms Bradbury’s replacement is found, which Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin said could take several months.

“Like all sectors at the moment recruitment is an issue,” he said.

Mr McLaughlin rejected claims the controversy surrounding Barkly Regional Council management would make potential candidates hesitate in taking the helm.

“I don’t think council’s in a messy situation at all, our finances are good, we’ve hired some key staff, things are going well.”

He would not comment on whether Ms Bradbury’s resignation was the right decision for the council, but said “there’s many sides to the story”.

“All I can say is that Emma has made her own decision, she’s an adult, I can’t really comment on it,” Mr McLaughlin said.

Former CEO of Barkly Regional Council Emma Bradbury, Interim CEO Russell Anderson, Deputy Mayor Russell O’Donnell and Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin. Picture: Supplied.
Former CEO of Barkly Regional Council Emma Bradbury, Interim CEO Russell Anderson, Deputy Mayor Russell O’Donnell and Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin. Picture: Supplied.

A committee assisted by the NT Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet was established to undertake an independent review of concerns about council management raised in the media.

Mr McLaughlin had promised to make the report’s findings public, but when asked for a timeline would only say “it will be released eventually, some time”.

Mr McLaughlin was arrested for alleged drug driving for the second time in less than six months in February, returning a positive roadside test for cannabis while driving in Tennant Creek.

He will contest all charges and claims the positive test was the result of prescription medication.

Among several staff exits from Barkly Regional Council last year were four councillors who quit in one week in December.

Speaking at the time, Noel Hayes, a local Elder and Ali Curung traditional owner, said he stepped down because he believed the council was letting down bush communities.

A by-election for the vacant positions in the Alyawarr and Patta Wards will be held May 6.

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