
COVID-19 and NT schools: All your questions answered

Here are the answers to all your questions on coronavirus and the possible future closure of schools in the NT.

The Department of Education answers all your questions on coronavirus and the possible future closure of schools in the NT.
The Department of Education answers all your questions on coronavirus and the possible future closure of schools in the NT.

NORTHERN Territory schools have recently been inundated with questions relating to COVID-19 and possible future closures. In response, the Department of Education has provided answers to a list of your frequently asked questions. Here are their answers.

These responses are current as of March 25.

Is the Department of Education going to close all schools?

Our primary focus is ensuring that we continue to provide education in a safe environment. This includes an increased focus on practising good hygiene in our schools and early childhood education and care services and also supporting students and staff who may be feeling anxious about the current situation.

We are receiving regular and ongoing advice from the Australian Government and the NT Health Officer in regards to coronavirus and making the necessary preparations to act on that advice.

If this advice changes, we will communicate with families and community.

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When will schools close?

We are receiving regular and ongoing advice from the Australian Government and the NT Health Officer in regards to coronavirus and making the necessary preparations to act. Following the Prime Minister latest advice, schools will remain open however families can choose to have their children at home for the remainder of Term 1, 2020.

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Will school holidays be moved forward?

At this stage, there are no plans to adjust school holidays. If this changes you will be notified.

Do I have to send my child to school?

Following the Prime Minister’s latest advice, schools will remain open however families can choose to have their children at home for the remainder of Term 1, 2020.

Students are welcomed to school as normal unless they have:

● flu-like systems, a fever or ongoing cough (or otherwise sick)

● just arrived in Australia and have to self-isolate for 14 days or

● been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

If your school is open and your child is well, it is safe to send your child to school.

When do I need to provide a medical certificate?

If your child has been in self-isolation for 14 days and has remained without symptoms throughout that time, they do not require a medical certificate to return to school.

If your child has become unwell within 14 days of returning to Australia, or if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19, they will need a medical certificate confirming they have recovered and are able to return to school.

If a parent or close family member is diagnosed with COVID-19, does the child need to stay home?

The Northern Territory Department of Health will advise who needs to self-isolate following contact tracing.

Where a child has been in close contact with an individual who has been confirmed as a COVID-19 case, they will be required to self-isolate.

If a parent is in self-isolation, does their child need to be (and vice-versa)?

If a person is in self-isolation, those living with them only need to self-isolate if that person in isolation becomes sick or becomes a confirmed case. The Northern Territory Department of Health will advise who needs to self-isolate following contact tracing.

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What health and hygiene practices are happening in schools?

Schools and early childhood education and care services have been sent resources to assist teachers to talk about COVID-19 and explain good hygiene practices. This includes reminding students to:

• wash their hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water before and after eating and after going to the toilet

• cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze into your elbow

• avoid touching their faces • limit physical contact when greeting people

• limit physical contact in the playground

• reconsider events like assemblies, excursions, school camps and inter-school sports and where appropriate postponing or reshaping this to meet the current health advice.

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Schools have developed a school pandemic plan which has enabled them to be well prepared to respond to any changes.

For the latest information on coronavirus, go to the Australian Government Department of Health website: health-topics/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov

You can also contact the National coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

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