
COVID-19 committee: Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck’s agonising interview

There have been awkward scenes in a trainwreck parliamentary appearance the Aged Care Minister was unable to recall a simple detail over 53 agonising seconds.

Minister's awkward moment during COVID-19 Senate committee

Scott Morrison has defended his aged care minister after a trainwreck performance where he couldn’t recall how many seniors had died from COVID-19.

The Prime Minister told reporters he was sure the Aged Care Minister regretted his failure to recall the number today but added it was an occupational hazard.

“I am sure the minister regrets not being able to bring those figures immediately to mind. On occasion I can’t bring figures to mind,’’ he said.

Asked why the minister shouldn’t lose his job over the excruciating performance, the Prime Minister insisted he had confidence in him to do his job.

During a trainwreck appearance before a parliamentary inquiry on Friday, Senator Richard Colbeck took 53 agonising seconds before he was unable to recall the number of dead and an official was forced to intervene.

The simple question he was unable to answer was asked by Labor Senator Katy Gallagher just after 10.18am.

“How many residents of aged care facilities funded and regulated by the Australian Government have passed away from COVID-19?,’’ she said.

But what followed was an uncomfortable silence as Senator Colbeck was unable to find the answer.

“I will just have to look up my latest report, Chair, that might take me a moment,’’ he said.

Finally, nearly a minute after the question was asked a public servant stepped in to end the minister’s agony.

“As at 8:00am on 20 August, 258 care recipients had passed away. Of those 254 were residential care recipients,’’ she said.

Senator Gallagher then asked, “Minister, you weren’t aware of that number?”

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Richard Colbeck appears before the Senate's COVID-19 committee.
Richard Colbeck appears before the Senate's COVID-19 committee.

“I was just trying to find the latest. It wasn’t in the frontline details of those figures. I have got the details, I just couldn’t find it and bring it to hand, I’m sorry,’’ he said.

Just moments later, he was unable to recall how many aged care residents are currently fighting for their lives with COVID-19.

“Again senator, I don’t have the report with the actual detail in front of me,’’ he said.

“I am looking for the report on my IT system.”

Senator Gallagher said she found it difficult to believe he was not aware of these details.

After checking his notes, Senator Colbeck said there were 1,811 cases in aged care.

Earlier, Senator Colbeck extended his “sincerest condolences to all of those who have been impacted by the virus.”

“Every death is an absolute tragedy. I want to recognise that as part of my appearance before the hearing this morning,’’ he said.

“This is an extremely difficult time for them. Personal carer, cleaners, administration staff, gardener, cooks, everybody who works in residential aged care, this is extremely difficult. Some of them are quite frightened but they continue to work - to turn up to work everyday in very difficult circumstances.”

Senator Katy Gallagher. Not amused.
Senator Katy Gallagher. Not amused.

The hearings quickly descended into a testy argument over who was responsible for aged care.

“That’s been your job minister?’’ Senator Gallagher asked.

“You’re in charge of aged care. Is that correct? Why is it so hard to say?”

During an at-times fiery interrogation, Senator Colbeck bristled as it was suggested the Morrison Government had been missing in action on preparing aged care for the COVID-19 crisis.

“I completely reject your assertion that we haven’t been there because we have been there everyday for many, many hours,’’ he said.

“I don’t care who makes the assertion, I will reject it.”

Senator Gallagher then interjected, “Minister, when did you become concerned about the growing level of community transmission in Victoria? When was that?”

“I’ve been concerned about that all through the Victorian outbreak, Chair,’’ he responded.

“I completely reject your assertion that we haven’t been there because we have been there everyday for many, many hours.

“It is not just me saying that. I don’t care who makes the assertion, I will reject it.”

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