TikTokker reveals genius hack for stunning passport photo
It’s the one photo most of us hate. And to be honest, they never get any better unless you’re this woman.
From TikTok to schmicktok!
Of the three worst photos ever taken of you, it generally goes in this order. 3. Awkward adolescent Christmas card in your emo phase. 2. First Facebook profile pic. 1. Passport shot.
At a time when you are generally excited to be travelling, the contrast between the image in your passport and your actual face couldn’t be greater, Escape reports.
Unsmiling and in lighting that would be harsh on a supermodel, let’s just say these are not the shots you’d be using on the ol’ Bumble profile.
On a quest to ‘yassify’ her ID shots, TikToker @mishhinty revealed a simple trick that delivered big results. By way of contrast, she shared an image of her 2016 passport shot that she branded ‘a dark time’ but which was still actually pretty glam compared to the rest of us.
She explained: “When my genius brain told me to wear mink lashes while taking both of my ID photos.”
It should be pointed out her that the lashes in question were faux mink but with pared back make-up they made her eyes – to adopt beauty speak for a minute – pop. If you want to get in on the action, check out the Huda Beauty Faux Mink Lash Set, $35, from Mecca Cosmetica.
Now that you’ve got those killer lashes in place, there are a few other tips to help ensure you won’t feel the need to tell every customs official you encounter that you’d had little sleep the night before the photo, were bloated and that the photographer was your partner’s ex so was hellbent on making you look your worst.
First up, heed the word of supermodel Tyra Banks who popularised the word “smise”. What now? It’s fashion speak for “smiling with your eyes”. Sounds weird but try it in the mirror. Think of the funniest joke you’ve recently heard but don’t let the rest of your face get to enjoy it. You may not be able to smile in the picture but there’s no reason the old peepers can’t sparkle.
Picture yourself on that faraway beach you’ve hauled the passport out for in the first place.
For an even more flattering effect, we tapped the team at our stablemates Vogue – who know a thing or three about looking good in a photo.
First up, tilt your chin slightly downward for a flattering angle and if your hair is long, take a tip from Mishhinty and wear it out. This is mainly because it can add a shot of glam that government mandates can tame and also when it’s tied back the combination of photo background and flash can blur things out so you look a bit bald. For realz.
Next up, make-up: a light dusting will help combat the shine that can result when an oily complexion meets a flash. You may also want to avoid make up with SPF for this shoot – hey, we’re going with that term – as it is can cause a big old shiny reflection.
Finally, if you’re a bit of a Botox bandit, schedule your passport photo for the week before your next top up. Freshly injected, that taughtness of your forehead can make it reflect like a lame disco ball.
This article originally appeared on Escape and was reproduced with permission