
Aussie shocked by bizarre US toilet habit in public restrooms

To flush or to flush, it’s not that difficult. But one trend in the US about what body part to use has this Aussie living abroad absolutely shocked.

US expat confused by texts from Aussie mates

An Australian woman living in the US has been left shocked after discovering she was the only one at a dinner party not to use her feet to flush a toilet.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Singer/songwriter CJ Horton, who goes by the Tik Tok name @hellocjhorton, shared a story with her more than 5000 followers, asking whether she was the “freak” for not using her feet to flush public toilets instead of her hands.

“I’ve lived in America for two years and last night I learnt something that rocked my world,” Ms Horton says to the camera.

“I was at dinner with a group and my friend said, ‘I just hurt my ankle flushing the toilet’. I laughed and said, ‘how on earth did you do that’.

“She said she flushed the toilet using her foot and always does that in public restrooms.”

The Aussie living in the US said she was so shocked, she stopped the whole group’s dinner conversation to delve into the revelation that her friend uses her foot to flush a toilet.

“They all looked (at me) dead serious and said, ‘I do that … we all do that’,” she explained, noting the group then questioned (in disgust) whether she’d been using her hands.

“They were like, everyone uses their feet (to flush toilets). I started crying this was the weirdest news I had ever heard … then I realised this has to be an American thing, I don’t think Australians do this.”

To Ms Horton’s relief, she found “no Australian” who uses their feet to flush toilets, however almost “every American” she knows uses their feet to flush.

“One person from Europe even said they use their feet,” she said.

The Aussie woman, who has lived in the US for two years was shocked.
The Aussie woman, who has lived in the US for two years was shocked.
The Aussie woman, who has lived in the US for two years was shocked.
The Aussie woman, who has lived in the US for two years was shocked.

Ms Horton clarified that her friends use their feet to flush a toilet that has a lever rather than a button.

In response to the video, which has had more than 1000 views and received hundreds of comments, many supported the use of feet to flush.

“I feel like public toilets were designed to be flushed with (the) foot,” one person wrote.

“It’s a very large handle. In the home is different, but in public the foot.

“If it has the metal bar flush, yes, feet,” another added.

People often use their feet to flush these kinds of toilets
People often use their feet to flush these kinds of toilets

“I always use my feet in public restrooms … I’m not touching that handle since most public bathrooms don’t have lids on their toilets,” another said.

Others, however, questioned why you would use your feet to flush when your hands will get a good wash anyway.

“I did it for several years, but I don’t anymore,” one admitted.

“I mean, you wash your hands, so does it matter?”

“You wash your hands after you flush why the hell would you do that (flush) with your feet?” another questioned.

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