Melbourne Airport deep-cleaned after cleaner infected with coronavirus
Melbourne’s Border Force offices are undergoing a deep clean after an airport cleaner tested positive for coronavirus.
Melbourne’s Border Force offices are undergoing a deep clean today after a cleaner tested positive for coronavirus over the weekend.
The cleaner, who works at Customs House at Tullamarine Airport, returned a positive test on Saturday.
An Australian Border Force spokesman said there was little risk to the general public as the building was not located in the main airport complex.
“The Department was advised yesterday by our Property Service Provider that a staff member of one of their cleaning subcontractors tested positive to COVID-19 on Saturday, 27 June,” the ABF said.
“The safety and wellbeing of our officers remains a key priority in protecting our borders.
“The Department will follow all directions provided by Victorian Health.”
Over the weekend, three new COVID-19 cases were recorded in NSW, including a 34-year-old man who was part of an overseas cargo airline crew who became unwell during transit.
NSW Health’s Dr Michael Douglas said on Sunday close contacts of the airline worker had been identified and further investigations were underway.