
Hotel uses confronting note and photos to get guests’ attention

THIS fed-up hotel has been placing notes along with some shocking images around the place to get the attention of guests.

A HOTEL in Switzerland grew so tired of the behaviour of its guests that it adopted a unique approach in order to get their attention.

The 4-star Hotel Monopol in Luzern recently began placing images of emaciated children throughout its restaurant as a means of chastising guests for wasting food.

It included a brief note to its guests in both English and Chinese, which was placed at each table.

It read: “Good morning dear guests. For ethical and moral reason, in Switzerland we do not throw away any food. Please put on your plate only what you do eat. Thank you for your understanding.”

The note on the table. Picture: CEN/australscope
The note on the table. Picture: CEN/australscope

The Monopol has also erected signs around the building, with the similar photos and the words: “The malnourished children die ... and in Switzerland people waste food and throw it away.

“This in Switzerland is ethically and morally unacceptable.”

The photos used by the Monopol. Picture: CEN/australscope
The photos used by the Monopol. Picture: CEN/australscope

The signs sparked a media frenzy, with some outlets suggesting the messages is aimed specifically at Chinese travellers. The Monopol, however, says its controversial message is targeted toward at all foreign guests.

PiMuch food was being thrown away from the buffet. Picture: CEN/australscope
PiMuch food was being thrown away from the buffet. Picture: CEN/australscope

“We can expect that the foreign guests to a certain extent to respect our customs, we do so in foreign countries” Brigitte Heller, general manager at the hotel, told Swiss newspaper Blick.

But according to local media, only a few months earlier, Heller allegedly mentioned the signs were placed after Chinese guests took an excessive amount of food from the buffet and left most of it on their plates.

Heller claims that many of the hotel’s guests approve of the signs, and since they went up, food waste at Monopol has decreased. has contacted the hotel for further comment.

This story originally appeared on

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