
IS claims to have taken over luxury hotel in Mosul

THE Islamic State continues to expand its influence, and has commandeered a five-star hotel as a bizarre venue for jihadi weddings.

Ninawa International Hotel Isis Hotel
Ninawa International Hotel Isis Hotel

THE TripAdvisor page of a luxury hotel taken over by Islamic State terrorists is being trolled, with users asking if they can get Kosher meals or host Mohammad drawing competitions there.

“Can I inquire the manager [sic] on hosting my second annual Mohammad drawing contest here?” one user known as BlastedCannon wrote on the TripAdvisor page. One asked about the availability of Kosher dining, while another said the management is only “OK if you’re Muslim.” The black humour is a response to the news Islamic State terrorists have taken command of the 262-bed Ninawa International Hotel in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. The former five-star palace was once voted one of the best places to stay in the country and features two ballrooms and restaurants, as well as a waterfall in the foyer. It’s located on the banks of the Tigris river and is now thought to be used as a venue for hosting top IS commanders and hold weddings for jihadi brides. While pictures circulating online from an IS-related account show people milling around a pool on an opening night, the hotel is thought to operate under strict Sharia law with dancing, gambling and smoking banned. Those who fail to obey are threatened with amputation and beheading The Express reports. It’s an unusual twist for the group which has previously made a habit of destroying historical sites, including using sledgehammers and rifles to smash the UNESCO World Heritage City of Hatra and ancient artefacts in Mosul. Quillam Foundation researcher Charlie Winter told The Independent it could be an attempt to show air strikes by the US and other coalition forces, including Australia, were not working. “I think the message the propagandists are trying to portray is that if the coalition is really causing damage then IS wouldn’t be able to host gala dinners with fireworks at a luxury hotel,” he said. The TripAdvisor page is still live but features a warning from the US State Department which advises “against all but essential travel to Iraq given the security situation.” Its activities at the hotel is the latest in a string of attempts from IS to legitimise itself as a governing body in the region. It previously introduced a currency, schools and a taxation system. It’s estimated more than 2.2 million Iraqis have been displaced in 2014 alone due to the group’s reign of terror and violence. See more pictures of the hotel below:

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