‘Terrifying’ reality facing Aussies
When Sarah Rosenberg made the brave decision to report an act of sexual violence, she didn’t expect the nightmare that followed.
When Sarah Rosenberg made the brave decision to report an act of sexual violence, she didn’t expect the nightmare that followed.
When Julie Rosenberg heard her daughter say the words “rape, it was rape”, her heart dropped. Then she swung into action.
Sarah Rosenberg’s story is shocking and confronting to hear – but there’s a powerful reason she wants you to understand the details.
Sarah Rosenberg survived the unthinkable – only to be cruelly and publicly ridiculed at a party by a relative of her attacker.
Sarah Rosenberg contacted three police stations over six months and was interviewed for hours on end – but she still never saw justice.
Julie Rosenberg knew something was very wrong. But nothing would prepare her for what her daughter Sarah was about to tell her. WARNING: GRAPHIC
Daniel Nicoli was reported for an alleged rape in October 2017. But just a few months later, the unthinkable happened.
Dianne Lucas chose to go to prison rather than betray a woman who needed her help. This is her incredible story of bravery and sacrifice.
A child sex offender convicted this year of sexually assaulting a teenage pupil is still working as a dance instructor, news.com.au can reveal.
A Melbourne woman who was sexually assaulted by her “creepy” dance teacher as a teenager has shared her story for the first time.
Stewart Carter was sexually abused by Gary Bloom as a 10-year-old. But one shocking decision allowed the pedophile to walk free.
Rose and Pippa Milthorpe made national headlines after sharing their stories as child sexual abuse survivors. Now, they have a powerful message for Australia.
A Sydney man who was unmasked by news.com.au as a rapist has engaged lawyers to have his victim’s story pulled down.
Boyd Kramer was found guilty of rape in 2022. But the questions his victim was asked in court are guaranteed to sicken you.
Brenda Lin’s uncle and abuser murdered her family in a brutal crime that left Australia reeling. Today, she’s determined to help others.
In Australia in 2024, convicted rapists regularly walk free – while someone who steals a single, $3.50 ice cream can be sent to prison.
These four Australian sexual offenders all have one chilling thing in common. And the answer will truly disgust you: the judge.
Today, news.com.au is launching the #TakeTheStand campaign to fight for Australia’s sexual assault survivors. Here’s what you need to know.
Boyd Kramer was found guilty of horrifically raping a young woman in 2020. But he never saw the inside of a jail cell for an unbelievable reason.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/topics/take-the-stand