Stop panicking about your panty lines
JESINTA Campbell was so worried about “visible panty lines” on the red carpet that she ditched her undies altogether. She shouldn’t have cared.
JESINTA Campbell was so worried about “visible panty lines” on the red carpet that she ditched her undies altogether. She shouldn’t have cared.
MATT Damon has been there and lost three times now. Not that he’s bitter. But Jo Stanley knows what it’s like and has written this loser’s survival guide.
ONE moment at Oprah’s big event last night could have turned very awkward, but she handled it like an unflappable pro. Because that’s what she is.
WARNING: Adult themes. Obviously. The Bad Sex in Fiction finalists are here, and that means the puerile penis puns are as well.
IS THAT a finger over the lens, obscuring this lovely photo? Oh wait, it’s something else. WARNING: Do not click on this if you’re offended by the sight of balls.
GET your freckle pen out, apparently a spotty nose is considered high fashion this year. And that’s not even the worst trend going around.
WHEN you become a parent, there are certain things you pretend to enjoy. But let’s be honest, we’d rather be watching Netflix than another bloody school concert.
DOES being a cheating swine undermine whatever rights you have to keep your privates private? Jo Stanley cheated once, and the answer is complicated.
HOW much praise is too much? And no, we’re not talking about mayonnaise. Jo Stanley discovers the worrying effects of constantly rewarding our kids.
TICKETS for Oprah’s Australian tour, including a group photo? $2500. Living the life you want? Priceless. Why Oprah’s marketing cult has gone too far.
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