Why Cash’s outburst was so dangerous
MICHAELIA Cash’s cruel, sexist threats to name female staff in Bill Shorten’s office reveals why so few women go into politics.
MICHAELIA Cash’s cruel, sexist threats to name female staff in Bill Shorten’s office reveals why so few women go into politics.
WITHOUT the men in their lives even noticing, women around the country are struggling. Lads, it’s time to pay attention.
WHETHER you’re rich or poor isn’t just due to your job — it has a heck of a lot to do with something you can’t even control.
THE world fell in love with Kate and Diana when they were welcomed into the royal family, but there’s a unique reason why Meghan Markle’s royal wedding should be celebrated.
FOR years we’ve had allegations of sexual misconduct against powerful men, but Weinstein has broken a barrier that could change us forever.
AS THE actresses of Hollywood continue to cop a nasty backlash over the Weinstein scandal, some people are getting a mystifying free pass.
JULIE Bishop is one of the most powerful women in Australia, and yet even she’s experienced what many other women face every day.
WHEN cadet reporter Amy Taeuber chose to complain about her treatment while working at Channel 7 she joined a rare group of women.
THOUSANDS of childcare workers around Australia are walking off the job today. It’s little wonder. For $21 an hour they’ve got an awfully hard job.
JAMILA Rizvi has been travelling a lot for work lately. And everywhere she goes she gets asked the same question.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/the-team/jamila-rizvi