
Human Body

Human Body
Young man, smiling, sitting between man and woman holding noses

Are farts the new fingerprints?

FARTS. Breath. Sweat. We are all permanently surrounded by our own ‘microbial cloud’. Research shows this bacterial blend is so unique it can be used to identify us.

Human Body
Meet Chuck, the vomiting robot

Meet Chuck, the vomiting robot

CHUCK. Chunder. Heave. It’s a tough job — so scientists built a machine to do it for us. The result? New insight on how gastro viruses get to be so contagious.

FEE APPLIES...MUST CREDIT: Thinkstock...ONE TIME USE... chili pepper Picture: Thinkstock

Red-hot hopes for fat buster

HOT chilli receptors — named after the spicy peppers — may be the reason why fat people who eat a high-fat diet are overweight, new University of Adelaide research reveals.

News Life
**ONE TIME WEB USE ONLY** *CONTACT NETWORK PIC DESK FOR PRINT USE** MUST CREDIT - Michal Czerwonka/The New York Times William Lewinski, a psychologist who has studied police shootings, held a training session at the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs in Monterey Park, Calif., July 7, 2015. Lewinski, the founder of the Force Institute, a company that studies human behavior in high stress situations, defends police officers who have shot people under questionable circumstances. Michal Czerwonka/The New York Times

The man who gets off cops who kill

NO MATTER the circumstance, his conclusion is always the same. It wasn’t their fault. Now the psychologist who gets paid $1000 an hour to get cops off in court has come under fire.

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