Tut’s lost chambers ‘full of treasure’
HOWARD Carter opened King Tut’s tomb 94 years ago, exclaiming “wonderful things”. Now an Egyptian minister promises “a Big Bang — the discovery of the 21st century”.
HOWARD Carter opened King Tut’s tomb 94 years ago, exclaiming “wonderful things”. Now an Egyptian minister promises “a Big Bang — the discovery of the 21st century”.
THE bones of a tiny species discovered on a remote island in 2003 have puzzled the science world for more than a decade.
A NEW study of prehistoric bones discovered at Stonehenge has found the remains of 14 women believed to have been of the same status as men buried nearby.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a remarkably well preserved boat buried under the ruins of a 4500-year-old tomb. It had been built to carry the soul of its owner to the stars.
FROM Beauty and the Beast to Jack and the Beanstalk, our favourite fairy tales are probably older than the Bible, new research suggests.
A NEW scan of an erased doodle in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks has revealed what appears to be a sketch of Michelangelo’s famous statue of David.
COSMIC particles collected inside a famous, 4600-year-old Egyptian pyramid could reveal its secrets, including how it was constructed.
SEARCH vessels scouring the southern Indian Ocean for missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 stumble across an unexpected treasure.
SCIENTISTS have discovered evidence of the largest crocodile ever known to have existed, some three times heavier than the average species.
FROM the origins of Stonehenge to the secrets of King Tut’s tomb, many of history’s greatest archaeological mysteries began to unravel in 2015.
ITALIAN archaeologists have discovered a 2000-year-old Roman shipwreck containing a heavy load of ketchup.
THE markings on this ancient pot fragment could be of enormous significance for the history of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount — if only we could figure out what it is.
THE exact source of Stonehenge’s megaliths has now been found. But they were cut 500 years before the monument was built. Does this mean the stone circle was moved?
A SECRET passage leading to two sealed chambers has Mexican archaeologists hopeful they have finally found the tomb of a long-lost Aztec emperor.
STRANGE echoes, indentations and touched-up artwork inside Tutankhamun’s famous tomb have revealed important new chambers.
HE’S been dead for 3300 years, but King Tut’s tomb still holds secrets. New scans have confirmed ‘hidden chambers’ within its walls. Do they conceal a heretic queen?
THE discovery of a hidden name on one of the ancient world’s iconic treasures proves Tut’s gold mask wasn’t intended for him.
IT’S the ancient world’s most beautiful object, but the discovery of a hidden name-tag proves Tutankhamun’s gold funeral mask was intended for someone else.
SHE was only 15. So why was she starved, bound by the elbows, burnt — and then thrown into a pit under a heavy stone slab?
IS there a hidden tomb of a long-lost Pharaoh lurking inside the Great Pyramid of Giza? The discovery of a ‘thermal anomaly’ has revived a centuries-old search.
NEW thermal scans of Egypt’s Giza pyramids have identified temperature anomalies that may point to a secret passage in the enormous, 4500-year-old Pyramid of Cheops.
THE men who say they have found the location of a legendary buried Nazi loot train in southwestern Poland have been given the chance to prove their claims.
THE Republican Party presidential candidates have dropped some clangers — but what Ben Carson told a university crowd in 1998 is seriously dropping jaws.
HOW can cosmic rays help archaeologists peer through stone deep into the heart of a pyramid? It takes power on an intergalactic scale — and the ghostly impressions it leaves behind.
A PAIR of perfectly preserved, 10,000-year-old cave lion cubs, complete with skin and fur, have been found in a discovery so incredible people can barely believe it.
BUILD it and they will come? A group of architects want to reinspire Europe by rebuilding one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World — the Colossus of Rhodes.
IS this the Bermuda Triangle of the ancient world? Archaeologists have discovered 22 rare ancient shipwrecks piled up among Greek islands in the Aegean.
EGYPT has launched a new bid to unravel the “secrets” of the pyramids, including a search for hidden chambers inside four of the famed Pharaonic monuments.
HITLER was obsessed with him. Treasure hunters have dreamt of his riches for millennia. Now the official hunt is on for the Goth who looted the ancient world’s richest city — Rome.
THE near-complete skeleton of a woolly mammoth believed to have been butchered by humans thousands of years ago has been found by a farmer.
A SEARCH of Tutankhamun’s tomb has revealed hidden doors that experts say could lead to the burial chambers of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti.
ITALIAN archaeologists believe they may have uncovered the identity of the woman who posed for the Mona Lisa as well as a bone belonging to her.
FACEPALM had a completely different meaning 9000 years ago. But we have no idea what. A strange stone-age decapitation burial has anthropologists scratching their heads.
THE enemies of Egypt’s beautiful heretic queen ensured her tomb would lie undisturbed for millennia. Will a modern team unlock the ancient world’s best-kept secret?
AN intact 2700-year-old tomb has been unearthed in Peru, containing the mysterious remains of two ‘Serpent Jaguar’ priests and their symbols of power.
RADAR images said to show a buried Nazi train have been published, heightening excitement that a treasure lies in a forgotten railway siding. But not everyone is convinced.
WHEN locals ventured out to inspect a downed tree following a violent storm they didn’t expect to find this in its roots.
THE lawyer representing two men claiming to have found a buried Nazi train in Poland has back-pedalled on claims it contains gold after one treasure hunter died when he fell into a pit.
THINK the paleo diet makes sense? New research by archaeologists suggests cave men and women were eating grains much earlier than previously thought.
A LARGER “super-henge” discovered near Stonehenge has archaeologists very excited. They say it could reveal lost rituals of the Stone Age.
IT’S been scratched. It’s been chipped. It’s been snapped. Tutankhamun’s death mask is one of the world’s most amazing and precious artefacts. Now it’s getting a $110,000 makeover.
AN ELABORATE ancient sarcophagus has been discovered at a building site in the Israeli city of Ashkelon.
THE men told the elderly homeowner the council sent them to ‘fix a leak’. Instead, they secretly dug a 30m shaft in her yard. Who were they and why did they do it?
WHEN this ancient idol covered in mystery markings was hauled out of a Russian bog, scientists were amazed. Now test results have “exceeded expectations”.
THE Islamic State’s nihilistic path of destruction has seen it reportedly blow up yet another archaeological treasure, Syria’s famed Temple of Bel.
POLAND says it’s ‘99 per cent’ certain it has found a long-lost Nazi loot train, setting off a fierce debate about who can rightfully lay claim to the treasure.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS are headed to the Middle East to scan every artefact they can find, in a desperate bid to head off Islamic State and preserve them for posterity.
HELEN. Achilles. Agamemnon. They’re names which date from the dawn of civilisation. Now the lost capital of Mycenean Sparta is emerging from the rubble of myth and history.
IT sounds like something from The Da Vinci Code: an ancient document suggesting Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. But is it a forgery? Researchers are determined to find out.
PRESERVED on a wreck off a Greek island, the mysterious Antikythera mechanism has remained just beyond the grasp of science. But a new expedition aims to change all that.
A TEMPLE that stood for 2000 years has been destroyed by IS militants, prompting archaeologists to warn that their ‘darkest predictions’ are coming true.
THE archeologist who claimed Egypt’s most famous queen may be buried adjacent to King Tutankhamun has been invited to Egypt next month to present his case.
IT was intended to shock. To awe. Some 1500 years later, it still achieves its goal. An Aztec display of the skulls of fallen warriors has been uncovered among ruins in Mexico.
ISIS wanted him to say where the ancient city of Palymra’s archaeological treasures had been hidden. He wouldn’t tell them. So they had this 81-year-old scholar beheaded.
A SWORD. A dagger. Arrows. Not exactly what you’d expect in a woman’s grave from 1600 years ago. Unless she was an Amazon.
WHAT happened to a group of colonists who disappeared without a trace? A secret clue on a centuries-old map could finally provide the answer.
THE story of David versus Goliath is one of the most famous tales from the bible. Now, archaeologists believe they have found proof the battle took place.
STRANGE indentations and touched-up artwork inside Tutankhamun’s famous tomb may hint at secret passages leading to the burial site of his notorious mother – Queen Nefertiti.
IT’s a medieval mystery that has researchers stumped: What’s the meaning of the cryptic code on the blade of this 13th Century sword?
TERROR is timeless: Grasped within its mother’s protective embrace, this child perished under rock and mud. Their final moments have been preserved for 4000 years.
THE bells rang out action stations on the morning of May 24, 1941. Soon after, HMS Hood — and 1415 men — was on the seabed. Now billionaire Paul Allen has recovered one of those bells.
A 12-METRE monolith, hacked out of limestone by stone-age humans some nine thousand years ago, has been found at the bottom of the Mediterranean.
IT was an Iron Age city. It had a monumental fortified gate. But are the ruins now being excavated in Israel that of the lost city of Gath — the home of biblical giant Goliath?
A TREASURE hunting family in the US have found $1.4 million worth of gold and coins in a Spanish shipwreck submerged for 300 years.
A 4000-year-old teenager has been unearthed in a ceremonial site near Stonehenge — clenched tightly in the foetal position and wearing an amber necklace.
A CHILD warrior from a forgotten medieval world has been unearthed from Siberia’s permafrost, providing a glimpse of a strange new civilisation.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS in Denmark have made a remarkable yet baffling discovery: almost 2000 tiny gold spirals dating from the Bronze Age.
THE discovery of a 100 million-year-old fossilised fish in the centre of Australia is being celebrated as the catch of the year. And it has left scientists stunned.
HE got the world’s attention by claiming to have solved a 300-year-old mystery. But an adventurer’s “treasure” has turned out to be anything but.
FIVE years after its discovery, excavations of a Mayan pyramid in Mexico have revealed it to be among the largest yet found.
THEY’RE just two castaway scraps holding scribbled notes. But they’re on papyrus from ancient Egypt and prove the more things change, the more we stay the same.
ISLAMIC State has launched a bold new attack on Egypt. And militants have made their attitude to the pyramids and Great sphinx clear: They must be destroyed.
FORGET digging in the dirt, all you have to do to discover a new species of dinosaur is open a storeroom at a South African university.
THINK the warrior-women of Game of Thrones kick ass? Wistful for Wonder Woman’s return? A little ancient jar shows they hold nothing over the real thing.
A GROUP of ‘commando’ archaeologists is being formed to raid deep into Iraq, Syria and Libya to snatch priceless artefacts from the jaws of destruction.
A 3000-year-old pot carrying the name of one of King David’s rivals has sent ripples of excitement through Israel as new, rare evidence of the biblical story’s authenticity.
THE earth shook. The air burned to 300C. A terrified little boy scrambled for the safety of his mother’s lap. Now, more than 2000 on later, he’s emerged.
XANADU: It’s a name up there with Atlantis when it comes to exotic, mystic cities. But we know where this one is — and now it’s being excavated.
A SKULL pieced together from 52 fragments found inside the Spanish “Pit of Bones” could be the world’s first murder victim — at the ripe old age of 430,000-years-old.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed an assortment of 3.3 million-year-old stone tools that have been linked to our apelike ancestors.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/archaeology/page/14