430,000-year-old skull found inside the ‘Pit of Bones’ in northern Spain could be the first murder in human history
A SKULL pieced together from 52 fragments found inside the Spanish “Pit of Bones” could be the world’s first murder victim — at the ripe old age of 430,000-years-old.
A SKULL found in Spain may be the first murder to have occurred in human history, scientists say.
After piecing together 52 fragments of a broken skull thought to be more than 430,000-years-old, researchers from a Spanish and US international team found that the person suffered two blows to the area above the left eye, one of which was likely lethal.
According to the researchers from the Centre for the Evolution and Human Behaviour, the two deep holes above the eye were not consistent with an accidental fall down a 13-metre hole, The Independent reports.
The skull fragments were located at the Sima de los Huesos (Pit of Bones) site in the Atapuerca Mountains, northern Spain.
The research team concluded that: “Given that either of the two traumatic events was likely lethal, the presence of multiple blows implies an intention to kill.”