

Donald Trump’s post deleted after he compares coronavirus to the flu

Donald Trump has doubled down on his macho image after checking out of hospital and throwing off his mask. Here’s what he said overnight.

Trump removes mask before making controversial speech

US President Donald Trump has tweeted overnight downplaying the severity of his COVID-19 diagnosis, saying he “feels great” just a day after leaving hospital.

In a slew of posts overnight, President Trump said Americans should treat coronavirus as they do the flu, saying COVID-19 is “far less lethal”, despite the fact he is being treated with a range of medications himself.

He followed those tweets by claiming Americans should live with COVID as they do the flu, and used the comparison to argue against closing down the country.

Despite Mr Trump’s claims, experts have said COVID-19 is six times more deadly than the flu and is mutating with new strains.

The claims were so controversial Facebook removed the post in its entirety.

US President Donald Trump's controversial tweet.
US President Donald Trump's controversial tweet.

According to US political publication, The Hill: “Over 209,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 this year, more than in the past five flu seasons combined.

“The annual flu death total has been between 12,000 and 61,000 since 2010, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates.

“The last time that US flu deaths hit an estimated 100,000 was in 1968.”

Twitter eventually placed a warning on the tweet claiming it was “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19”. But the post remained public.

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Mr Trump doubled down on his macho image after checking out of hospital Monday after four days of emergency treatment for COVID-19, pulling off his mask the moment he reached the White House and vowing to quickly get back on the campaign trail.

Shortly beforehand, Mr Trump had tweeted that Americans, who have lost nearly 210,000 people to the virus, have nothing to fear.

A series of made-for-TV moments allowed Mr Trump to squeeze the maximum amount of PR from his medical discharge, starting by exiting alone from the large gold-coloured front doors of the Walter Reed military hospital just outside Washington.

Live on television, he then walked in a mask to a limousine, giving the thumbs up, before boarding Marine One helicopter for the quick flight to the White House — which he left on Friday after falling ill.

After landing, he walked up the steps onto the South Portico’s stately balcony, demonstratively removed his mask and offered a 23-second salute to the departing Marine One.

With less than a month until Election Day on November 3, polls show Mr Trump trailing Democrat Joe Biden by a large margin. The president’s hospitalisation left him scrambling even harder to catch up.

The return to the White House was minutely stage-managed to show he is physically fit, while a series of striking tweets demonstrated Mr Trump’s coming angle of political attack: that he personally beat COVID-19 and will now lead the country to its own comeback.

“Will be back on the Campaign Trail soon!!!” he said in one tweet.

“Don’t be afraid of Covid,” he said in another, claiming to be feeling rejuvenated after his illness.

The remark startled his rival, who was campaigning Monday in Florida.

“Tell that to the 205,000 families who lost somebody,” Mr Biden snapped.

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The former vice president added to his comments later Monday at an outdoor town hall in Miami, where he criticised Mr Trump for downplaying the importance of masks.

“I would hope that the president, having gone through what he went through — and I’m glad he seems to be coming along pretty well — would communicate the right lesson to the American people: masks matter,” Mr Biden said.

That recommendation appeared to go unheeded, as Trump pushed out a new, unfiltered message to Americans: “Don’t let it dominate your life — get out there, be careful,” Mr Trump said in a tweeted video.


The 74-year-old Republican’s display of bravado came the same day that his own chief spokeswoman tested positive — the latest infection in a the White House cluster.

And despite his claims to be in good health again, a combination of secrecy, conflicting information from officials and the viral spread among his own circle have damaged his credibility.

In a briefing at Walter Reed, presidential physician Sean Conley said Mr Trump was “back” but that he would not be “entirely out of the woods” for another week.

Despite Mr Trump’s characteristic claim that COVID-19 should not be of major concern, polls show it is a huge worry for Americans. His widely panned handling of the crisis this year is also reckoned to be the main reason Biden, 77, is surging in polls.

Other positive cases close to Mr Trump now include his wife Melania, aide Hope Hicks, campaign manager Bill Stepien, three of Ms McEnany’s assistants, former counselor Kellyanne Conway and more than half a dozen others from the president’s circle.

For months, Mr Trump has given the appearance of trying to wish away the catastrophe and get back to his re-election narrative of a strong economy.

Mr Trump now looks poised to try and claim that in getting quickly out of hospital, he has personally vanquished the virus — and will go on to do the same for the rest of the country.

An unofficial White House-themed gift shop announced Monday it will sell a commemorative coin titled “President Donald J. Trump Defeats COVID” for $100.

For all of Mr Trump’s determination to reassert himself, he has lost several precious days of a campaign that revolves heavily around his large-scale rallies and image of personal strength.

The day after he announced his positive test, he was to have flown to battleground Wisconsin, ignoring the fact he would gather crowds in one of the nation’s worst coronavirus hot spots.

Mr Biden, meanwhile, has maintained his slow-but-steady campaign that has always emphasised health precautions — a pared-back style that Mr Trump calls weakness and mocked as recently as last week.

The upheaval has led to unusual interest in the televised debate between the vice presidential candidates this week — Republican Mike Pence and Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris — who will be separated by a Plexiglas barrier for the event.

That will air on Thursday, Australian time.

- with AFP

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